As a Veteran
I want to understand when a failed document upload in CST has occurred
So that I can take the necessary action to remediate that failure and get my claim related documents into the VA
Background Context
As part of the Silent Failures initiative, we created some ideas for CST UI improvements as part of the Silent Failures Journey Map. This ticket's work is to create the actual spec for those design improvement proposals in Figma and share with the team. There are also a few open questions that came out of the Journey Map discussion that need to be answered in the design proposal.
New Feature
Why are we doing this work?
Epic Link
Outcome, Success Measure, KPI(S), and Tracking Link
Value Statement
As a Veteran I want to understand when a failed document upload in CST has occurred So that I can take the necessary action to remediate that failure and get my claim related documents into the VA
Background Context
As part of the Silent Failures initiative, we created some ideas for CST UI improvements as part of the Silent Failures Journey Map. This ticket's work is to create the actual spec for those design improvement proposals in Figma and share with the team. There are also a few open questions that came out of the Journey Map discussion that need to be answered in the design proposal.
New Feature
Outcome, Success Measure, KPI(S), and Tracking Link
Enablement team (if needed)
Out of scope
Open questions
Definition of Done
Acceptance Criteria