Hello. My name is Kris and I work with the VA mobile health and benefits team. I'm trying to set up a sub-group within my team in order to make them codeowners of specific files and allow them to review each other's work. This is not a new team. It's a new grouping within github. I've already created the team on github. I don't know how to answer some of the questions below and the checklist below the questions seems irrelevant to what I'm trying to accomplish.
Welcome and Introduction
We are excited to welcome your team to VA.gov. As a new VFS team, this template should be completed by your teams Product Owner and/or Product Manager.
User Stories
As the leader of a new VFS team, I need to share basic info about my team with Platform so that Platform teams can have knowledge of my team for future collaboration.
As the leader of a new VFS team, I need to ensure my team follows the instructions for new VFS team members so that they're aware of Platform policies and processes, and Platform is aware of who supports my team for future collaboration.
As the leader of a new VFS team, I need to ensure my teams product information is correct so that Platform can have an accurate list of VA.gov products.
As the leader of a new VFS team, I need to complete ATO orientation so that VA.gov continues to be a secured and approved application within the VA.
New Team Info
Add your team's practice and contact information below.
Team Name:
OCTO-DE Product Owner:
Tim Wright
VA Business Owner:
[ ] OCTO (Office of the CTO)
[ ] VHA (Veterans Health Administration)
[ ] VBA (Veterans Benefits Administration)
[ ] NCA (National Cemetery Administration)
[ ] VACO (Veterans Affairs Central Office)
[ ] Other. Please specify: ____
[ ] Sitewide
[ ] Account Experience
[ ] Health Tools
[ ] Benefit Tools
[ ] Lighthouse API
Github team name:
Github team label:
Team launch date:
It's just a sub-group of the flagship mobile team, so it already exists.
[ ] Contact @Julia Badillo or @Erica Robbins [GovCIO_VetsPS] on the #team-of-teams-slide-collection channel to receive an invite to the Team of Teams meeting and the Team of Teams Agenda and Protocol for reference
Introduce your team on slack
[ ] Introduce your team on the #vfs-all-teams Slack channel. Include team name, Product Manager, Product Owner, what crew your team is on, and what products you're supporting on VA.gov.
Platform Orientation for your team members
In addition to providing information to Platform and completing necessary tasks at the team level, there are also tasks that need to be completed at the individual level. As a team leader, you will need to:
[ ] Direct your team members to the guidance for New VFS team members on Platform Website
[ ] Ask all of your team members to complete the process
[ ] Review to make sure that all of your team's products are listed and assigned correctly
[ ] If an edit to your team's product page needs to be made, see the user guide
ATO (Authorization to Operate) orientation
[ ] Post in the #platform-security Slack channel to request and schedule an ATO team orientation
[ ] Confirm that the orientation has been completed
Platform Checklist
The items in this checklist are for Platform to complete. If you are ready to close the ticket and the Platform Checklist section has not been completed, please reach out to Platform via the guidance provided in Getting help from Platform in Slack.
[x] New VFS Team has been added to the VFS Team Roster located in Atlas
Hello. My name is Kris and I work with the VA mobile health and benefits team. I'm trying to set up a sub-group within my team in order to make them codeowners of specific files and allow them to review each other's work. This is not a new team. It's a new grouping within github. I've already created the team on github. I don't know how to answer some of the questions below and the checklist below the questions seems irrelevant to what I'm trying to accomplish.
Welcome and Introduction
We are excited to welcome your team to VA.gov. As a new VFS team, this template should be completed by your teams Product Owner and/or Product Manager.
User Stories
As the leader of a new VFS team, I need to share basic info about my team with Platform so that Platform teams can have knowledge of my team for future collaboration.
As the leader of a new VFS team, I need to ensure my team follows the instructions for new VFS team members so that they're aware of Platform policies and processes, and Platform is aware of who supports my team for future collaboration.
As the leader of a new VFS team, I need to ensure my teams product information is correct so that Platform can have an accurate list of VA.gov products.
As the leader of a new VFS team, I need to complete ATO orientation so that VA.gov continues to be a secured and approved application within the VA.
New Team Info
Add your team's practice and contact information below.
Team Name: flagship-mobile-content
OCTO-DE Product Owner: Tim Wright
VA Business Owner:
Github team name: flagship-mobile-content
Github team label: flagship-mobile-content
Team launch date: It's just a sub-group of the flagship mobile team, so it already exists.
Public slack channel: https://dsva.slack.com/archives/C02M11AKKNU
Other team names: None
[ ] This information has been added.
ToT (Team of Teams)
@Julia Badillo
or@Erica Robbins [GovCIO_VetsPS]
on the #team-of-teams-slide-collection channel to receive an invite to the Team of Teams meeting and the Team of Teams Agenda and Protocol for referenceIntroduce your team on slack
Platform Orientation for your team members
In addition to providing information to Platform and completing necessary tasks at the team level, there are also tasks that need to be completed at the individual level. As a team leader, you will need to:
Review and update your team's product information
ATO (Authorization to Operate) orientation
Platform Checklist
The items in this checklist are for Platform to complete. If you are ready to close the ticket and the Platform Checklist section has not been completed, please reach out to Platform via the guidance provided in Getting help from Platform in Slack.