As a Governance team member attempting to understand the necessary changes for bringing mobile app into Collab Cycle, I want to prioritize my questions so that I am getting answers to the most important and critical questions first.
Peer Reviewer:
Governance team completed 2 research sessions for mobile app discovery, including a Cognitive Walkthrough and a Diary Study. Both research sessions were very successful, and we ended up with 2 extremely long lists of follow-up questions we have for our OCTO-DE practice area leads, the Mobile App team and potentially others.
We assume that it will take a significant amount of time and energy to get all of our questions answered, so instead Governance will come up with a scale for setting priority of each question. In a later sprint when we do reach out to OCTO and mobile app teams for answers to our questions, we can ask our critical questions first, and less priority questions last.
This ticket will include determining a scale for priority (example: critical - must be answered or we cannot continue, low - learning this would be helpful, but we should be able to continue without the information, and then maybe a middle/medium priority item), and then applying that scale to all questions in both research findings docs.
Impacted Artifacts
Live pages
Drafted pages
[ ] Placeholder task
Peer Review
To be completed by peer reviewer
[ ] User story and acceptance criteria are met
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] We have determined a priority scale for classifying each question we have.
[ ] We have applied the priority scale to all questions from the research findings
Team Notification
[ ] Slack post on #platform-governance-team
[ ] Presentation at Weekly Initiative Meeting
[x] No notification needed
How to prepare this issue
[x] Ticket has user story, description, tasks, and acceptance criteria
[x] Ticket has been sized
[x] Once all above items are checked, add the 'Ready' label.
If this ticket is picked up from the Backlog mid-sprint, connect with Shira to ensure the below items are completed correctly
[ ] Ticket has been discussed as a team at Planning
[ ] Ticket has been assigned to appropriate initiative or quarterly epic
[ ] Ticket has been assigned to a Sprint
[ ] Ticket has been moved to the Planned pipeline in the Governance team board
User Story
As a Governance team member attempting to understand the necessary changes for bringing mobile app into Collab Cycle, I want to prioritize my questions so that I am getting answers to the most important and critical questions first.
Assignee: Peer Reviewer:
Governance team completed 2 research sessions for mobile app discovery, including a Cognitive Walkthrough and a Diary Study. Both research sessions were very successful, and we ended up with 2 extremely long lists of follow-up questions we have for our OCTO-DE practice area leads, the Mobile App team and potentially others.
We assume that it will take a significant amount of time and energy to get all of our questions answered, so instead Governance will come up with a scale for setting priority of each question. In a later sprint when we do reach out to OCTO and mobile app teams for answers to our questions, we can ask our critical questions first, and less priority questions last.
This ticket will include determining a scale for priority (example: critical - must be answered or we cannot continue, low - learning this would be helpful, but we should be able to continue without the information, and then maybe a middle/medium priority item), and then applying that scale to all questions in both research findings docs.
Impacted Artifacts
Live pages
Drafted pages
Peer Review
To be completed by peer reviewer
Acceptance Criteria
Team Notification
How to prepare this issue
If this ticket is picked up from the Backlog mid-sprint, connect with Shira to ensure the below items are completed correctly