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BE | Profile | Military Service History | Fix user reference for academy attendance feature flag #96864

Open tpharrison opened 2 weeks ago

tpharrison commented 2 weeks ago


When retrieving military history records for a veteran, there is a conditional check in place that uses the profile_show_military_academy_attendance feature flag to determine whether to display academy attendance records.

The code checks the flag using the @current_user on line in the VAProfile::MilitaryPersonnel::Service. The @current_user is returning nil. It should be changed from @current_user to @user.


Acceptance Criteria

ACParker89 commented 1 week ago

@tpharrison do we need an epic for this or do you see it looped into a past effort?

tpharrison commented 1 week ago

@ACParker89 There might be an old epic out there, but I'm not sure what it is. I don't think it needs one.