As a Veteran and/or Caregiver, I want to receive clear messaging when encountering an error on the facilities search page, so that I can correct the error and move on through the form.
During research sessions and testing on Mobile devices, after entering a zip code the user is tapping the "Continue" button, causing confusion when the error message appears. The user is not selecting the search/magnifying glass icon/button and receiving an error message stating they must make a selection, even though there are no search results appearing yet. This does not occur much on the Desktop view.
In Scope
Update the search bar error messaging to be more clear on how to correct the issue when they have not yet performed the actual search (using the search button)
Out of Scope
We will not be updating the search results error message content, as that applies when the results are on-screen.
[ ] [UX] Review with CAIA on improved content for the error message, as well as determining the best type of alert design
[ ] Review with the team (can be async)
[ ] [UX] Update designs with new content & style
[ ] [FE] Update UI to match designs
[ ] [QA] Complete testing to validate
Error message content and style match
Error message triggering appropriately
Mobile view matches design and expectations
No new accessibility issues are introduced with this change
[ ] Review any findings with team, if needed
[ ] QA/PM Signoff is required in the comments
Acceptance Criteria
The search bar error messaging has been updated to clearly inform users on how to correct the error.
Benefit to the Veteran
As a Veteran and/or Caregiver, I want to receive clear messaging when encountering an error on the facilities search page, so that I can correct the error and move on through the form.
During research sessions and testing on Mobile devices, after entering a zip code the user is tapping the "Continue" button, causing confusion when the error message appears. The user is not selecting the search/magnifying glass icon/button and receiving an error message stating they must make a selection, even though there are no search results appearing yet. This does not occur much on the Desktop view.
Acceptance Criteria