When navigating with a keyboard, content should flow from left to right
[ ] heading order
Headings should be in order, so h1, then h2, h3. This is so the screen reader can let the user know the natural order of the elements in page. The WAVE tool has a headings tab that will display the order.
[ ] proper tag elements
Since we are working with forms, make sure components have the proper tags, i.e.:
<label for="lastName"...>Last Name <input id="lastName"... />
[ ] test with a screen reader
Voiceover is built in with mac, use NVDA for windows
User Story or Problem Statement
As a representative, I want to be able to log in and navigate throughout the portal so I can use the tools for my daily workflow.
Acceptance Criteria/Conditions of Satisfaction
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Accessibility (A11y) Testing