How many active users are impacted at this time and day.
Less than 500
Has fix been confirmed in Staging?
[x] Yes
[ ] No
Please provide the details/reason for the OOB Deploy
The changes in the linked PR are causing veterans to not have access to their Proof of Status card, which can be used for Title 38 benefits. The PR introduced a 404 when accessing an asset, which causes the status card not to load.
Verify The following
[x] The OOB Deploy Request is after the 2pm EST cutoff for regular deploy.[^1]
[x] The OOB Deploy Request is critical and must be resolved before the next automated deploy.
[x] You are prepared to create an Incident Post Mortem^2 within two business days.
[ ] OCTO-DE staff acknowledgment of Request, via /pd trigger
[ ] Notification is posted in the appropriate Slack support and team Channels
[ ] Infrastructure/Operations has acknowledge the Requests (This applies to revproxy and fwdproxy, but is not required for Frontend and Backend requests)
[ ] Security Team has Reviewed the requests (This is not necessary for requests that are not related to security)
Please fill out the necessary details and list the PRs related to the OOB deployment in the sections below.
PRs Related to OOB
Active Daily Users Impacted
Verify The following
[^1]: (See Deployment Policy and Deployment Schedules
Performed by Platform Support Team
/pd trigger
[ ] Security Team has Reviewed the requests (This is not necessary for requests that are not related to security)
CC: @department-of-veterans-affairs/vsp-operations , @department-of-veterans-affairs/vsp-product-support