[x] Please check this box to confirm that your SSH key has a strong passphrase.
e-App (aka E-QIP) Transmittal Confirmation
I have been here for two years, and I'm just now completing this form. I do not have a copy of my E-QIP confirmation, but I do have a screenshot of my E-QIP archival copy cover sheet. Will this be sufficient?
[ ] I'm on a Lighthouse team
Platform DevOps Support - please verify the following items before merging the SOCKS PR
[ ] Work email address is listed
[ ] Valid e-QIP/e-App transmittal notice (see what qualifies as valid here)
Your Name
Timothy Steele
Your Email
Your GitHub Handle
Your Role and Team
Automated Tester on VA.gov Medical Records team
Product Manager (PM) name and email
Lichelle Bain - lichelle.bain@va.gov
Product Owner (PO) name and email
Patricia Henry - Patricia.Henry@va.gov
Access Type Requesting
Public SSH Key
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJKQr0C96CTDFMjOSBbG+cff97XWQUR0xhtokq9XYXuX timsteele@Timothys-MacBook-Pro.local
SSH Key Passphrase
e-App (aka E-QIP) Transmittal Confirmation
I have been here for two years, and I'm just now completing this form. I do not have a copy of my E-QIP confirmation, but I do have a screenshot of my E-QIP archival copy cover sheet. Will this be sufficient?
Platform DevOps Support - please verify the following items before merging the SOCKS PR