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[Pattern] - Help users to...Resolve an error #1083

Open GnatalieH opened 2 years ago

GnatalieH commented 2 years ago


When a user encounters an issue (such as a login error), we often present a bulleted list of next steps below the alert component that communicates the issue occurred. This is context-sensitive, just-in-time info that can potentially help users self-solve their issue. We should standardize the use of well-formatted text (in plain language) along with headings to clearly communicate next steps.


This pattern request came from the VA Content team and was supported by @allison0034 and @seanasewell from the Collab. Cycle.

Here is an example:

image (13)


Acceptance Criteria

GnatalieH commented 1 year ago

This ticket should also address updating the incorrect error alert image that lives in the existing pattern; note the typo (andy):


GnatalieH commented 1 year ago

Meeting between me, Matt, Danielle, Randi, and Beth on 10/4. We decided these will be our next steps:

humancompanion-usds commented 1 year ago

In the comment above it says that this pattern will address inline errors but in the pattern guidance there is a "When not to use this pattern" section that says:

This pattern does not apply to inline errors. Guidance on creating inline form field error messages will be handled in a separate pattern.

So which is it? Same issue with the "How to design and build" which has sections for Alert but not for background-only Alert. Pattern guidance shouldn't duplicate component guidance. It should direct users of the system to the appropriate components but more importantly it should answer the questions users of the system may have around helping users recover from different types of errors.

We will also address how and when to use text outside of the alert itself to help users recover from errors (see image in this issue).

Which section is this going in? I can't tell from the outline.

GnatalieH commented 1 year ago


In the comment above it says that this pattern will address inline errors but in the pattern guidance there is a "When not to use this pattern" section that says:

This pattern does not apply to inline errors. Guidance on creating inline form field error messages will be handled in a separate pattern.

So which is it?

Good point. I got confused when I first edited this pattern because it has the italicized text near the top of the page about inline errors being handled in a separate guide. I think we can include a section about inline validation errors. I'll update the guidance.

Same issue with the "How to design and build" which has sections for Alert but not for background-only Alert. Pattern guidance shouldn't duplicate component guidance. It should direct users of the system to the appropriate components but more importantly it should answer the questions users of the system may have around helping users recover from different types of errors.

Gotcha. I'll work on this. I realize the omission I made, and I want to rethink this outline so it's centered around recovery per error type, and then talk about the types of alerts that support those scenarios.

We will also address how and when to use text outside of the alert itself to help users recover from errors (see image in this issue).

Which section is this going in? I can't tell from the outline.

I was thinking Supplemental content but am curious what others think makes sense.

GnatalieH commented 1 year ago

I have made lots of updates to the PR since my last comment. I also created this Mural board to help visualize and think about the Content style guide Error messages section. Ready for your review @humancompanion-usds.

humancompanion-usds commented 1 year ago

This doesn't seem finished:

Also, the content that was on the page is still useful. It just needs to move to either the content style guide on errors or into the Alert component. But there is a lot there that we shouldn't just discard because it's long. Some of it is still relevant.

GnatalieH commented 1 year ago

Hi @humancompanion-usds. Correct, it's not nearly finished. Please note that this ticket was only supposed to include me creating an outline of the content. At least that is what we originally had discussed with the Content team.

  • There are no examples from Storybook, just a list of examples. The examples here are more a description of the types of error messages. That's already defined here: Thus we should pull that content in as an include. I see now that's a separate issue so I'll leave it be but we can't really ship a pattern without examples.

Yes, I created the follow up issue specifically to address the examples. The Error messages dictionary contains all kinds of messages including success and status update messages -- things that are definitely not errors. I created an entire Mural diagram to put everything in one view because the Error messages dictionary is so non-intuitive to me. Do you still want to do the includes? How do you imagine this looking -- a table below each example header?

  • The only image that is included is broken. It should use the include from the component template. I can see that the image upload is the same one that Allison or Sean provided but it's blurry and not clear enough to read. Please get a better screenshot.

I'm going to post in the sitewide content-ia channel and ask Allison about this image if I can't get it myself. Someone shared this image with me originally and I don't know if I can recreate the scenario with the bulleted steps under the alert. It would take less time to recreate the image in Sketch, and then I could add a header to the Alert, too. Is that OK?

  • The very start of this pattern is unclear: "When a user experiences a critical or recoverable error" - What is an example of a recoverable error? (I know the answer but the reader may not).

"Critical errors occur when a user can't complete a task, such as signing in, and may require calling Help Desk in order to resolve. Recoverable errors can be resolved by a user completing required information, correcting a validation error, etc." Something like that?

  • "Background alerts are usually triggered by a user-initiated action. They appear below the H1 and contain the following elements:" - Alerts also appear below the H1. In fact, all content appears "below the H1". That's not helpful. We need to be way more specific either here on in the component docs on the placement of background alerts.

I'll have to ask Allison about this because I honestly don't know what the placement details are. I usually only see alerts in a vacuum, not on the full page. I also created another ticket to finish the How to design and build section and Accessibility and Content consideration sections.

  • Also, the content that was on the page is still useful. It just needs to move to either the content style guide on errors or into the Alert component. But there is a lot there that we shouldn't just discard because it's long. Some of it is still relevant.

I agree, but we don't own the Content style guide so we'll have to bring some of this up with the Content team and coordinate. I feel like updating the Alert component should be its own ticket. I can create that if you'd like.

humancompanion-usds commented 1 year ago

Okay, I had thought the outline was done last sprint. If this is the outline then I'll just address the things that should be in the outline.

GnatalieH commented 1 year ago

@humancompanion-usds just an update:


humancompanion-usds commented 1 year ago

We can keep working on the draft PR for this in the new tickets that have been created.

humancompanion-usds commented 1 year ago

Another item we need to cover in this pattern is whether or not to have an Alert - Error at the top of the page that summarizes the errors in the form below it. This summary would ideally contain a bulleted list of the fields in error and be links that anchor down to the fields in the form. Conferred with Danielle and she agrees. We're not sure if there are any examples of this already but we should look before writing this guidance.

GnatalieH commented 1 year ago

@humancompanion-usds that would be really helpful, I agree, to have that error summary example. Is this something that could appear on any page of a form (not just the Review page, for example)?

caw310 commented 1 month ago

From a July 19 meeting it was determined that CAIA will work on this so we will leave it for now.