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Experimental Design: Spotlights #1213

Open jcklpe opened 1 year ago

jcklpe commented 1 year ago


In going over previous wireframes for the VBA and looking at the VAMC as it currently exist we see this component


Honestly not totally sure. I think it's kind of a weird pattern but it exists and I'm documenting it here. 

Why I say honestly not sure: I mean yeah it does say "spotlights" so obviously it's purpose is to spotlight information, but I'm not totally sure what feed or context these pieces of information are being pulled from or how a spotlight is administered within the CMS by editors. The basic structure is pretty easy to surmise from looking at the component example though. 



header, followed by boxes, with a subheader, and description text ending with a link. It appears that more than one link can be used, or some kind of "most recent blog posts" thing can be made so there's that to consider too. 


Here's another example:





Research (optional)

I've just inherited this pattern. 

Code (optional)

According to dev inspect the main component section is given the ID of "field-vet-center-feature-content". I imagine a dev will be better equipped to find this code than I. 

Next steps

You may present your work to the Design System Council at an upcoming meeting. If you do not or cannot attend the Design Council Meeting, you can opt to get an asynchronous approval.

Submit requests to join an upcoming Design System Council meeting in #platform-design-system.

During the meeting, the Design System Council Working Group will evaluate the request and make a decision.

If your request is approved, you can add your component or pattern to the system. If you have any questions on how to add your component or pattern to the system, please reach out to the Design System Team at #platform-design-system.

bkjohnson commented 1 year ago

Could this be achieved with a few Featured content components and a header?

jcklpe commented 1 year ago

@bkjohnson : doesn't look like it:


humancompanion-usds commented 1 year ago

@jcklpe - You found the answer and the appropriate component to substitute in your previous comment thus I'm not sure what the request is. Can you clarify? We'd recommend that the Major links variation of Link - Collection be used for these links. The misuse of the featured content component is not recommended.

You could talk to @DanielleThierryUSDSVA and @bethpotts about the reasoning behind it if the provided guidance is unclear.

jcklpe commented 1 year ago

@humancompanion-usds :  I think you're confusing tickets? Perhaps you are confusing this submission for this previously opened ticket? #1201

Spotlights is specific component we have in production now. It's not covered by the Links Collection component you reference.

jcklpe commented 1 year ago

@humancompanion-usds : Or maybe I misunderstand. Should I change our VBA wireframes to use the Link Collection: Major Links pattern instead of a separate Spotlight component? Should I pass this information up to our engineers to get them to change the current implementation on the VAMC production pages also?

humancompanion-usds commented 1 year ago

@jcklpe - Neither of us are confused, the situation is confusing. There appears to be conflicting guidance between the CMS and the Design System. Let's raise this in the Design System Council and figure out how to reconcile.

humancompanion-usds commented 1 year ago

We resolved in Design System Council to add this to our backlog to document but to not recommend further use of this component without modification. A number of issues were raised with the component:


All that said, there is clearly a need to highlight content on these pages that does not rely on a variation of the Featured content component. A Card variation (I'm leaning towards a white background variation with a border or drop-shadow which is in an experimental contribution for notifications in MyVA) could be useful here combined with recommendations on minimum and maximum widths, length of content within, relationship of content used, etc.

Also, one important variation of this component is this one, which often has the label of "spotlight" in the title:

Screen Shot 2022-09-26 at 10 17 14 AM

For this issue in particular the issue of two columns was raised. At the 768px breakpoint this component splits into 2 columns:

Screen Shot 2022-09-26 at 10 19 01 AM

This raised some points of discussion:

One thing we did agree on is that the CMS calls this a variation of the Featured Content component and it was not the intent of the Design System to have variations. Thus we may make this a distinct component and hopefully test variations in future that move away from the visual design of the Featured content component. It's also worth pointing out the USWDS version of this is a Summary and is meant to summarize the page, which is closer to the intent of the Featured content component.

humancompanion-usds commented 6 months ago
  1. Design a Spotlight that has a non-Summary box background (i.e. not blue) and not a Card (nor a gray background). @danbrady to choose a color and add to Figma.
  2. @caw310 - After we have a Spotlight design, please ssk Erika to have an issue filed for the CMS to provide the Major Links Spotlight using this new design and also rename Featured Content for other users to Summary box.