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Experimental Design - Statement of Truth #1886

Closed ndsprinkle closed 8 months ago

ndsprinkle commented 11 months ago


The Statement of Truth is a section at the end of every form that contains legal text, the privacy policy, a signature input, and a checkbox.


This allows the user to "sign" the digital form (which usually becomes a PDF/paper form eventually).


This would be used in every form created for and would live on the review and submit page.


Above the gray card, we need a default, unchangeable paragraph of text:

<strong>Note:</strong> According to federal law, there are criminal
penalties, including a fine and/or imprisonment for up to 5 years,
for withholding information or for providing incorrect information
(See 18 U.S.C. 1001).

I believe this is the penalty notice component, but I didn't see a way to currently use this.

Inside the gray card, we need an h3 heading that defaults to "Statement of truth" and supports custom text that can be passed in to fully replace the text.

For the body of the card, it would be great if this could be fully custom HTML as there is a need for support of more than just text. Sometimes the body of the statement of truth may contain things like a list or multiple sections, so just a string would not be a enough.

Following that, we need another paragraph that says "I have read and accept the privacy policy." that is unchangeable and properly links to the privacy policy.

After that, we need a text input followed by a checkbox. Both of these would need to support their normal web component properties and be able to support separate error messages that are both customizable via independent error properties. The label of the text input should default to "Your full name" (and again be fully customizable via the text input properties) and the checkbox label should default to "I certify the information above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief." (again, customizable).



Also, the pattern is already defined here, although in a slightly out of date spec:


Accessibility guidelines were followed by our designers and engineers to update and implement this pattern in the forms library.


That this should be used on the review page of every form digitized on The signature text input field should have validation configured to exactly match a previously entered name in the form. This name may vary based on the form or based on the path taken in the form. Our usage of this new web component will support that validation logic in a addition to a few other configuration options.

Research (optional)

Research has been performed by our team and I will update this ticket with a link to that.

Code (optional)

This has already been implemented in the PreSubmitSection.jsx file of our forms library. The section nested inside the statementOfTruth object contains the code that renders the pattern. Depending on the timing of a PR that is currently open, the old React checkbox may be currently in use, but we obviously intend on using the web component checkbox.

humancompanion-usds commented 11 months ago

The task here is for us to create a new component and then update our pattern to reference that new component.

humancompanion-usds commented 11 months ago

See also issue #344

caw310 commented 10 months ago

@ndsprinkle , if there is time on Friday, July 14, we would like to discuss this during the DSC meeting. Are you available to attend?

caw310 commented 10 months ago

This is on the agenda of the DSC meeting on 7.14.

caw310 commented 10 months ago

Decision from DSC meeting. Will turn it into a component.

caw310 commented 9 months ago

Stretch item for sprint 35

caw310 commented 8 months ago

This will carry over into sprint 36. It was a stretch in sprint 35 and was started but will be completed in the next sprint.

it-harrison commented 8 months ago

@jeana-adhoc could you take a look at this PR to determine if the new component satisfies what the forms team is looking for? Thanks!

jeana-adhoc commented 8 months ago

Hi @it-harrison - I took a look in storybook, and populated the inputMessageAriaDescribedy and it worked with a screen reader as expected.

However - I noticed one thing that's probably unrelated to your specific work - it looks like there are 2 different font families going on in the component. "Source sans pro" for paragraph and header text and "Source sans pro web" on the input labels? And the sizes are defined differently. Is this expected?

it-harrison commented 8 months ago

PR is here

it-harrison commented 8 months ago

@jeana-adhoc fonts in the component have been harmonized. thanks for the nudge!

caw310 commented 7 months ago

Sketch file link if we need it.