department-of-veterans-affairs / vets-design-system-documentation

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Update #2749

Closed megzehn closed 1 month ago

megzehn commented 1 month ago

updating guidance to remove sub-domains and guidance that external links open in a new tab

megzehn commented 1 month ago

HI @mnorthuis and @DanielleThierryUSDSVA, I made some minor edits to this page (on the content side) to remove the VA subdomain links that got added in there earlier. Could you review when you get a chance? Thank you so much!

mnorthuis commented 1 month ago

Since the content mentions what to do when we open a new tab, it seem like we should make reference to the fact that that is not the norm, and direct them to the link component for interaction and behavior guidance.

Did we open a ticket for the DST to fix that guidance as well?

humancompanion-usds commented 1 month ago

@mnorthuis and @DanielleThierryUSDSVA - Is there an issue to remove the subdomain exceptions from code? Has that already been done?

@megzehn - Can you connect this PR to the appropriate issue? I just want to be sure we save the history trail here because we've gone in circles on this question now a few times.

mnorthuis commented 1 month ago

@humancompanion-usds I have not created an issue, but definitely can if you let me know who it needs to go to.

humancompanion-usds commented 1 month ago

@mnorthuis - I'm going to guess sitewide would be able to handle it, or redirect it should it not fall under their purview.

mnorthuis commented 1 month ago

Ticket submitted, will follow it through.