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Accessibility review of Figma annotations for Templates, Patterns and Forms library #2803

Open babsdenney opened 7 months ago

babsdenney commented 7 months ago


@LWWright7 completed adding accessibility annotations for all forms and templets and needs @rsmithadhoc to add any other a11y annotations as needed



Acceptance Criteria

caw310 commented 7 months ago

Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @rsmithadhoc

LWWright7 commented 6 months ago

@rsmithadhoc - I just updated this ticket as it was created the other day while I was out sick.

I added all vertical spacing annotations as well as other a11y annotations that I, as a designer, am aware of (i.e. showing H1 / H2 / H3 elements, components, patterns, etc) to ALL of the patterns, templates and forms items in the library....however I'm sure this is far from all of the a11y notes that should be included.

This ticket is for Ryan to add those extra annotations as needed to the entire patterns, templates and forms library.

LWWright7 commented 4 months ago

@caw310 this is not a design ticket, I believe it should be a11y ticket for @rsmithadhoc and changed it accordingly.