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Text Input: Stray ID referenced in aria-describedby when not needed #2821

Closed davidakennedy closed 2 weeks ago

davidakennedy commented 2 weeks ago

Bug Report

What happened

The text input component references a charcount-message ID even when the charcount property isn't enabled. So the charcount-message ID doesn't exist on the page.

What I expected to happen

The charcount-message ID shouldn't be there since this component, in the current setup doesn't use that property.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to:
  2. Log in with](
  3. Get to the screen where you edit the Veteran's mobile phone number: Also happens on: and
  4. View the two text inputs with the extra aria-describedby. Like:
<input class="usa-input" id="inputField" type="tel" aria-describedby="charcount-message" aria-invalid="false" maxlength="14" pattern="^[0-9-() ]+$" name="root_inputPhoneNumber" autocomplete="tel" required="" part="input">

Edit mobile phone screen with two arrows pointing to text input fields and an arrow pointing to the extra ARIA attribute in the DOM


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See screenshot.

@Mottie says:

This is built into the va-text-input web component. The charcount-message span is set to appear if the va-text-input has both a charcount and a maxlength attribute on it. In storybook, this span contains "10 characters allowed" - so it is always visible

So, I think including the charcount-message ID in the aria-describedby when charcount andmaxlength` are missing is a bug