department-of-veterans-affairs / vets-design-system-documentation

Repository for website
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Remove Font Awesome from vets-website #2944

Open micahchiang opened 2 weeks ago

micahchiang commented 2 weeks ago


On June 20th, we will be re-adding the eslint error for font awesome, meaning teams will need to migrate to va-icon as they work. Our original plan was to remove the font awesome dependency from vets-website on June 26th. On the 26th, we'll take a look at how many instances there are remaining, including in css files and test assertions, and remove the rest ourselves. Finally, we'll remove the font awesome dependency from vets-website's package.json file.



Acceptance Criteria

Andrew565 commented 1 week ago

Icon page of Component Usage Sheet here:

caw310 commented 1 week ago

This ticket will take 2 sprints. The team has decided NOT to break this work down as it will be easier to track in the Google sheet that has the list of the 124 instances of FA that need to be removed. @it-harrison and @rmessina1010 will take point on this so any engineer who works on this ticket, please coordinate with them.