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[Breadcrumb] Experimental design: Breadcrumb "home" segment label change #638

Closed mnorthuis closed 3 months ago

mnorthuis commented 2 years ago

Check the design system backlog and experimental design tab to see if your proposal has already been suggested.


Modification to the "home" link label in the standard breadcrumb from "Home" to " home"


Explain why you think this should be added to the design system.

  • Participants in early research on VAMC sites showed some confusion around where the "home" link in the breadcrumb would take them. The "home" link was confused with the health care system link in the breadcrumb. Because of this issue, the VAMC sites eliminated the "home" link from the breadcrumb, relying on the VA logo to return users to the home page of the site.
  • The Vet Center mini sites added the "home" link back into the breadcrumb component, however they changed the language from "home" to " home" so it would not be confused with the main Vet Center landing page.
  • This issue is to formalize that this variation of the component is alread in production.
  • The Facilities team is planning to gather some feedback on this change in an upcoming research effort.

Anything else

Next steps

You may present your work to the Design System Council at an upcoming meeting. If you do not or cannot attend the Design Council Meeting, you can opt to get an asynchronous approval.

Submit requests to join an upcoming Design System Council meeting in #vsp-design-system.

During the meeting, the Design System Council Working Group will evaluate the request and make a decision.

If your request is approved, you can add your component/pattern to the Experimental Design section of If you have any questions on how to add your component/pattern to the Experimental section, please reach out to the Design System Team at #vsp-design-system.

bkjohnson commented 2 years ago

I'm just adding a bunch of context here for future discussion since this seems like an experimental use of an existing component rather than a proposal to create an experimental component. This seems like it could be accomplished by updating usage guidance based on the research results and then implementing that guidance across the site.

App code

In application code teams can already put " home" as the first breadcrumb link if they want to - the "Home" text isn't hardcoded into the component. Here's an example with the react component:

![" home" as first link in React breadcrumb component](

And here's one with the new web component:

![" home" as first link in Web Component breadcrumb](

Here are some examples of teams using "Home" as the first item:

Static content

In the content templates an update could be made here:

There's this other breadcrumbs template which is setting the text of the first item based on what's coming from the CMS. There's also an on override there which is how " home" is getting added in the vet_center and vet_center_locations_list templates. There's not much to go off of in the original PR and its linked issue, but I don't think the customHomeCrumbText override would be necessary if content was updated.

mnorthuis commented 2 years ago

Oooo, I didn't think about new component vs variation of existing component. Could be good to discuss the right process if the experimental design process is not the right pathway.

My goal with this, was to document that there's a variation out there that the team is hoping to test. If that test goes well, discuss making this the standard and rolling it out across the site.

caw310 commented 2 years ago

@mnorthuis , This is on the agenda for the DSC meeting tomorrow Feb 4.

artsymartha68 commented 2 years ago

Is the current/proposed spelling " home" or " home"?

mnorthuis commented 2 years ago

@artsymartha68 will look for content to make the recommendation on that.

artsymartha68 commented 2 years ago

Thanks @mnorthuis I have seen it both ways in this ticket so I was curious. I figured you'd be ON IT.

bkjohnson commented 2 years ago

I apologize for causing confusion - the current spelling is " home".


mnorthuis commented 2 years ago

I believe it will be, but the content team has enlightened me many times :-)

artsymartha68 commented 2 years ago

We'll just need to make sure it sounds right read aloud. "V-A" instead of "vah".

mnorthuis commented 2 years ago


caw310 commented 2 years ago

Action items from DSC meeting on 2/4

humancompanion-usds commented 2 years ago

@mnorthuis or @bkjohnson - We're trying to clean up our backlog of DSC requests. Can either of you update us on the status of this work? Thanks.

mnorthuis commented 2 years ago

The facilities test we were hoping to use to test this did not happen due to contract changes, and now is no longer planned. I will dig around to see if I can find either data to use for this, or if there's another usability test I can sneak a question into...

humancompanion-usds commented 1 year ago

@AndrewCoforma @PSIEBENLIST - Might we be able to incorporate this into our upcoming A/B Forms test? I'm fairly certain both designs have a breadcrumb back to home. We've been wanting to test this for some time.

mnorthuis commented 1 year ago

FWIW, we are moving in this direction on a few fronts and feel strongly this provides needed clarity in places where we have sort of mini experiences built into (i.e. facility sites, MHV portal, etc). I will also look for additional opportunities to gain feedback in the MHV work.

caw310 commented 8 months ago

Did this get tested?

humancompanion-usds commented 5 months ago

Mikki and I decided to go forth with this. It's already in place on Vet Center pages, and will be with MHV very soon. Thus I'd like us to update this in Figma and in the web-component.

humancompanion-usds commented 4 months ago

@caw310 - Please create a ticket for updating Breadcrumb home in Figma to Then let's use this ticket for the web-component update. Thanks!

caw310 commented 4 months ago

Here is the ticket to update FIgma.

caw310 commented 4 months ago

Hey team! Please add your planning poker estimate with Zenhub @Andrew565 @ataker @harshil1793 @it-harrison @jamigibbs @micahchiang @nickjg231 @powellkerry @rmessina1010 @rsmithadhoc

caw310 commented 4 months ago

Moving this to sprint 48 as DST engineers are helping with CI issues on vets website. Will be a stretch so if someone has time in sprint 47, this will get picked up.

jamigibbs commented 3 months ago

Brooks mentioned in a comment above this:

In application code teams can already put " home" as the first breadcrumb link if they want to - the "Home" text isn't hardcoded into the component.

So for the Design System Team, this update is just to add " home" to our Storybook examples. I have a PR open here for that. But teams will still need to update their breadcrumbs implementations to use that label.

mnorthuis commented 3 months ago

" home" should be the standard, not something that teams have to add. Ideally, in our benefit world, teams shouldn't be changing that text at all.

jamigibbs commented 3 months ago

Hi @mnorthuis I apologize I should have articulated further the complication by programmatically forcing that label.

I think the key issue is that we have concerns that the breadcrumb component could be used in two scenarios where we would not want to force this label:

  1. a situation where the first link is not going back to the root of
  2. the component is not being used on at all

An example of the first scenario in the secure messaging app:

Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 12 10 24 PM

I'm not sure the reason why this team is needing to use va-breadcrumbs in this way but it does exist at the moment.

cc @humancompanion-usds

mnorthuis commented 3 months ago

The secure messaging team shouldn't be using the breadcrumb component IMHO, they are working with a more customized back link or an experimental version of a smart breadcrumb.

Either way, I would assume that someone can choose to override it if it doesn't make sense, but in reality the first segment should always be home and we should be working towards that consistency.

The other place that "home" is not used as the first link is in the facility experience, but this change is also being recommended in order to fix the reason they don't use it. So once this is in place, they will be able to move to the standard component.

jamigibbs commented 3 months ago

Thanks @mnorthuis. We have made " home" default for the first label inside the component itself with the ability to override it using the prop home-veterans-affairs (boolean). Where teams need to override the default behavior, that can set that prop to false.