dependabot / dependabot-core

đŸ¤– Dependabot's core logic for creating update PRs.
MIT License
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Dependabot couldn't find a pom.xml #10220

Open tociepka-clgx opened 1 month ago

tociepka-clgx commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Package ecosystem


Package manager version


Language version

Java 11

Manifest location and content before the Dependabot update

dependabot.yml content

Updated dependency

No response

What you expected to see, versus what you actually saw

I expected dependabot to make a pull requests to update vulnerable dependencies, but instead I'm getting 'couldn't find a pom.xml" error. image

Native package manager behavior

No response

Images of the diff or a link to the PR, issue, or logs


proxy | 2024/07/16 07:29:40 proxy starting, commit: 55780eab5bb13ade7d1efacb154016772a202172
  proxy | 2024/07/16 07:29:40 Listening (:1080)
updater | 2024-07-16T07:29:41.305297785 [856399951:main:WARN:src/devices/src/legacy/] Detached the serial input due to peer close/error.
updater | time="2024-07-16T07:29:43Z" level=info msg="guest starting" commit=e9caa1c68212314d445ef091e3048abbb0421056
updater | time="2024-07-16T07:29:43Z" level=info msg="starting job..." fetcher_timeout=10m0s job_id=856399951 updater_timeout=45m0s updater_version=0d13810974d0aeba548fa3b0dc1bdc2ca84fa48a-maven
updater | 2024/07/16 07:29:47 INFO <job_856399951> Starting job processing
updater | 2024/07/16 07:29:47 INFO <job_856399951> Job definition: {"job":{"allowed-updates":[{"dependency-type":"direct","update-type":"all"}],"commit-message-options":{"include-scope":null,"prefix":"Dependabot","prefix-development":null},"credentials-metadata":[{"host":"","type":"git_source"}],"debug":null,"dependencies":null,"dependency-group-to-refresh":null,"dependency-groups":[{"name":"spring-dependencies","rules":{"patterns":["org.springframework*"],"update-types":["minor","patch"]}},{"name":"cucumber-dependencies","rules":{"patterns":["io.cucumber*"]}}],"existing-group-pull-requests":[],"existing-pull-requests":[],"experiments":{"dependency-change-validation":true,"globs":true,"proxy-cached":true,"record-ecosystem-versions":true,"record-update-job-unknown-error":true},"ignore-conditions":[{"dependency-name":"org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin","source":".github/dependabot.yml","update-types":null,"updated-at":"2024-07-16T07:29:39.000Z","version-requirement":"[3.5,)"},{"dependency-name":"org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin","source":".github/dependabot.yml","update-types":null,"updated-at":"2024-07-16T07:29:39.000Z","version-requirement":"[1.6,)"}],"lockfile-only":false,"max-updater-run-time":2700,"package-manager":"maven","proxy-log-response-body-on-auth-failure":true,"reject-external-code":false,"repo-private":true,"requirements-update-strategy":null,"security-advisories":[],"security-updates-only":false,"source":{"api-endpoint":"","branch":null,"directory":"/.","hostname":"","provider":"github","repo":"corelogic-private/tax_us-owf-one_workflow"},"update-subdependencies":false,"updating-a-pull-request":false,"vendor-dependencies":false}}
updater | 
  proxy | 2024/07/16 07:29:47 [002] GET
  proxy | 2024/07/16 07:29:47 [002] * authenticating git server request (host:
  proxy | 2024/07/16 07:29:47 [002] 200
  proxy | 2024/07/16 07:29:47 [004] POST
  proxy | 2024/07/16 07:29:47 [004] * authenticating git server request (host:
  proxy | 2024/07/16 07:29:47 [004] 200
  proxy | 2024/07/16 07:29:47 [006] POST
  proxy | 2024/07/16 07:29:47 [006] * authenticating git server request (host:
  proxy | 2024/07/16 07:29:48 [006] 200
updater | 2024/07/16 07:29:51 ERROR <job_856399951> Error during file fetching; aborting: /${modulesToBuild}/pom.xml not found
updater | 2024/07/16 07:29:51 INFO <job_856399951> Finished job processing
updater | 2024/07/16 07:29:51 INFO Results:
updater | Dependabot encountered '1' error(s) during execution, please check the logs for more details.
updater | +---------------------------+
updater | |          Errors           |
updater | +---------------------------+
updater | | dependency_file_not_found |
updater | +---------------------------+
updater | time="2024-07-16T07:29:51Z" level=info msg="task complete" container_id=job-856399951-file-fetcher exit_code=0 job_id=856399951 step=fetcher
updater | time="2024-07-16T07:29:51Z" level=warning msg="failed during fetch, skipping updater" job_id=856399951

Smallest manifest that reproduces the issue


yeikel commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately I cannot reproduce this because i do not have access to that repository. Maybe the dependabot staff can

In the meantime, if you can create a public reproducer maybe I can take a look

tociepka-clgx commented 1 month ago

Hi @yeikel . I've managed to reproduce the issue on a public repository. I hope it helps!

yeikel commented 1 month ago

Hi @yeikel . I've managed to reproduce the issue on a public repository. I hope it helps!

Hi @tociepka-clgx

Thank you for trying to set a reproducer

Unfortunately, I see a 404 page when I try to navigate to that page. Could you please make it public and/or give me read access?

tociepka-clgx commented 1 month ago


Hi @yeikel . I've managed to reproduce the issue on a public repository. I hope it helps!

Hi @tociepka-clgx

Thank you for trying to set a reproducer

Unfortunately, I see a 404 page when I try to navigate to that page. Could you please make it public and/or give me read access?

I can't find a way to give everyone access to insights/dependabot page so I gave you collaborator rights. Also one can clone this repo to reproduce this issue.

yeikel commented 1 month ago


Hi @yeikel . I've managed to reproduce the issue on a public repository. I hope it helps!

Hi @tociepka-clgx

Thank you for trying to set a reproducer

Unfortunately, I see a 404 page when I try to navigate to that page. Could you please make it public and/or give me read access?

I can't find a way to give everyone access to insights/dependabot page so I gave you collaborator rights. Also one can clone this repo to reproduce this issue.

Oh, I see what my mistake was. Cons of using GitHub mobile :)

I can see the repo but not the dependabot alerts, but that's fine

I'll try to reproduce it and get back to you sometime today

yeikel commented 1 month ago

Apologies for the delay, based on the logs and looking closely at your pom file, it seems that the issue is this part of your pom


In particular, this part <module>${modulesToBuild}</module> is something that dependabot is failing to parse as that's not a real module

I am not aware of any workaround right now besides removing that from your pom. I'll look into a fix though

yeikel commented 1 month ago confirmed my suspicions


tociepka-clgx commented 1 month ago

tociepka-clgx/dependabot-issue@f2e9e91 confirmed my suspicions


Thanks for looking into the problem. However we need this profile for our jenkins pipelines. I guess the simplest way to fix this problem would be to treat this parsing error as warning? I don't understand why it is necessary to parse all the profiles anyway.