dependabot / dependabot-core

🤖 Dependabot's core logic for creating update PRs.
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Add support for updating gradle wrapper #2223

Open rahulsom opened 5 years ago

rahulsom commented 5 years ago


This is an amazing way to manage dependencies.

It would be awesome if it could also send PRs for gradle wrapper updates. Typically this involves

  1. Find the latest version of gradle published at
  1. Run
./gradlew wrapper --gradle-version ${VERSION} --distribution-type all
  1. Send a PR.

Some projects using maven also use a wrapper - but that can be a separate issue.

greysteil commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the kind words @rahulsom!

Looking through these docs it does look like it would be pretty straightforward for Dependabot to update Gradle wrapper versions. I'm not going to add it straight away (I'm swamped with a few other updates) but I'll leave this open and come back to it.

klara-l commented 5 years ago

This would be awesome!

rahulsom commented 5 years ago

Hi @greysteil! Any chance to prioritize this?

greysteil commented 5 years ago

At the moment I'm afraid we have more than we can handle just integrating with GitHub. We'd love to get to this, but unless it's an open source contribution it's going to take some time.

robstoll commented 4 years ago

@greysteil do you have pointers where and how it needs to be implemented? I could take a look into it.

robstoll commented 4 years ago

@feelepxyz maybe you have some pointers?

FireMasterK commented 3 years ago

Any progress on this?

robstoll commented 3 years ago

@infin8x do you have some pointers where this needs to be implemented, I would still take a look

infin8x commented 3 years ago

@robstoll I don't at the moment, sorry. We're a bit swamped at the moment and can't commit to giving your PR the requisite attention.

robstoll commented 3 years ago

@infin8x I don't need a commitment, just a pointer where I should start looking. There is a lot of code and I don't have time either, so if I spend time helping you out then I want to do it as efficiently as possible. I think it would be enough, if you can point me to the file where the analysis for updates takes place. Thanks in advance

JavierSegoviaCordoba commented 3 years ago

Poke, should be great someone who knows the project can help @robstoll to get this working.

sehenst commented 2 years ago

Poke, should be great someone who knows the project can help @robstoll to get this working.

@asciimike ?

jameswald commented 2 years ago

I have been using to implement this feature. Gets the job done for now although it would be better if this were supported by dependabot.

asciimike commented 2 years ago is a good place to start, as it has a good explanation of how the various pieces fit together, and links to READMEs on how to implement the required methods. is probably where most of the additions will happen. I'd expect you'd have to modify the update checker as well as the file updater.

robstoll commented 2 years ago

I am afraid, but I don't have the time any more to look at it but it hopefully helps someone else

james-s-w-clark commented 2 years ago

I've been reading about this and have opened It gives some context/summary of the problem, and a few gradle dependencies so we can test any changes to dependabot-core with a dry run on it.

I'll try to find time to look into this repo later, thanks for the links @asciimike

mustafaozhan commented 1 year ago

Really looking forward to seeing this too!

eirnym commented 1 year ago

I'm looking forward to support Gradle Wrapper updates. Update-gradle-wrapper-action mentioned above has too many problems. I'm going to replace it using at least till the dependabot will support it

eirnym commented 1 year ago is the closest implementation to what I have locally

xtermi2 commented 1 year ago

Really disappointing, no progress here. I'm waiting for years for this feature. Renovate can do this since years:

GregJohnStewart commented 1 year ago


Sad to see it's not supported already :(

FunkyMuse commented 1 year ago

any hope on this?

deivid-rodriguez commented 1 year ago

Hello! We'll make sure to update this issue once there's movement. In the meantime, please use reactions instead of +1 comments to show support for the request. Thanks!

DPUkyle commented 1 year ago is a great endpoint with easy-to-consume json.

britter commented 1 year ago

@DPUkyle I think the main problem here is that in order to upgrade the wrapper jar and shell scripts completely one needs to run the Gradle build. I'm not sure that is supported by dependabot.

Thunderforge commented 1 year ago

Aren't the wrapper jar and shell scripts known quantities for each release, used the same by everyone? Instead of running gradlew wrapper, is it possible to have Dependabot

  1. Find/replace in gradle/wrapper/
    • If the URL is not the publicly available Gradle wrapper, such as for private distributions, then abort
  2. Supply pre-built wrapper files (jar and shell scripts) for the requested version
    • Maybe make use of the Gradle Wrapper Validation GitHub Action, which validates that the wrapper files have the correct hash.
  3. Create a PR

EDIT: I see now that this would ignore any configuration in build.gradle such as

tasks.named('wrapper') {
    distributionType = Wrapper.DistributionType.ALL

But this might be an acceptable limitation, since I'm guessing it's pretty rarely used. Just see whether gradle/wrapper/ currently uses -all or -bin and do the same.