dependabot / dependabot-core

🤖 Dependabot's core logic for creating update PRs.
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dependabot v2 can't merge to protected branches #2480

Open ZebraFlesh opened 3 years ago

ZebraFlesh commented 3 years ago

Using dependabot v2 (AKA GitHub-native Dependabot), I am unable to have dependabot successfully execute a @dependabot merge command against a protected branch. When I issue the merge command in a comment on the PR, I get the standard You're not authorized to push to this branch. Visit for more information. error. Dependabot v1 used a GitHub App which allowed me to add the dependabot-preview user to my branch protection rules. v2 seems to have changed things up by dropping the app, but now there's nothing for me to add to my branch protection rules. (The dependabot-preview user is still able to push to the protected branch, but v2 uses a user called dependabot so it doesn't match.)

jurre commented 3 years ago

Hi @ZebraFlesh, yeah this is a known issue that we're already tracking internally. Will keep you up to date when we have a fix for this, but unfortunately it's not straightforward so it might take a while before a fix for this lands.

ZebraFlesh commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the update. This issue is blocking me from upgrading to v2, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye.

christoferolaison commented 3 years ago

Any updates on this issue?

starikcetin commented 3 years ago

This is a very serious usability problem. Any updates yet?

jurre commented 3 years ago

This is a very serious usability problem. Any updates yet?

Does the newly landed automerge help for your usecase?

That way, dependabot doesn't have to perform the merge.

ZebraFlesh commented 3 years ago

That way, dependabot doesn't have to perform the merge.

I want the merge to be performed by dependabot, not myself. This is more accurate and provides a better commit history. Merges should also be fully automated; clicking something to enable auto merge on a PR goes against that grain. (Consider the problem at scale: I am not going to individually visit 5-10 PRs on several dozen repos, several times a week. Full automation is the way.)

starikcetin commented 3 years ago

Even though I am more on the safe side of things (going through the PRs one by one and testing them), I agree with @ZebraFlesh on this:

I want the merge to be performed by dependabot, not myself. This is more accurate and provides a better commit history.

lucacome commented 3 years ago

Any update on this issue @jurre ?

Jamesking56 commented 3 years ago

Any update on this? Its been months?

Alxzu commented 3 years ago

Any update on this?

aaiezza commented 3 years ago

Please fix! :)

jameswoodley commented 2 years ago

Plus 1 on this issue. Totally broken my workflow

FreePhoenix888 commented 2 years ago

+1. Fix it please

renanrcp commented 1 year ago

Any update on this? 2 years issue lol

pavolloffay commented 1 year ago

+1 on this issue

jameswoodley commented 1 year ago

Helllo? Is there any work going on on this issue?

deivid-rodriguez commented 1 year ago

Hello! Unfortunately we don't have any updates to share at the moment. We're working hard on providing a better experience, but we have too many competing priorities. We still hope to be able to allocate some time to fix this in the future.

jlsjonas commented 1 year ago

This is (imho) a serious regression preventing teams from correctly using paid-for features, that can't be too hard to fix unless very questionable design choices were made.

Nishnha commented 1 year ago

Good news! We are looking into this feature as part of this quarter's work.

We'll be looking into how we can integrate the Dependabot merge command (and upcoming auto-merge for security updates feature) into the repository team's upcoming repository rules platform.

The integration will allow devs to customize which Dependabot PRs can bypass branch protection rules based on targeting conditions defined by regex, such as all repos matching prod-.* and to branches matching dev\/.*

Will do my best to keep y'all updated. No timeline atm.

rkoster commented 1 year ago

@abdulapopoola could you provide a bit more context on why this issue is blocked?

abezzub commented 1 year ago

Is there an update on this issue?

rushilsrivastava commented 11 months ago

Is there a workaround for this issue in the meantime? Actions seem less than ideal, but better than nothing

Nishnha commented 11 months ago

Is there a workaround for this issue in the meantime? Actions seem less than ideal, but better than nothing

If you are using a GitHub App to merge pull requests, you can add the App to a team on your organization with the "bypass branch protections" role:

You can also combine this with the with the Dependabot fetch-metadata action, but the PRs will say they were merged by the App, not Dependabot.

D3PSI commented 10 months ago

any updates here? this is a major PITA if I may say so, would appreciate a speedy implementation here, thanks!

bratanon commented 3 weeks ago

And 9 months have passed. Any updates here?