dependabot / dependabot-core

🤖 Dependabot's core logic for creating update PRs.
MIT License
4.53k stars 944 forks source link

If a digest SHA is used in a Dockerfile, PRs are not superseded when newer SHAs are created #7387

Open cp-fabian-pittroff opened 1 year ago

cp-fabian-pittroff commented 1 year ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Package ecosystem


Package manager version


Language version


Manifest location and content before the Dependabot update

FROM steamcmd/steamcmd:ubuntu-22@sha256:091eb51de70e22deacb316671f90d526e253721d391138df82c5541ced75c2f9

dependabot.yml content

version: 2
    # Keep Docker dependencies up to date
  - package-ecosystem: "docker"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "daily"

Updated dependency

FROM steamcmd/steamcmd:ubuntu-22@sha256:04e690a1c1b15e808967a0a7f243f0ce3833df872a2cbb45efb2b980edf4aaaa

What you expected to see, versus what you actually saw

I would expect that the previous pr gets updated with the new SHA-digest of the newest available docker image.

The pr doesn't get an update. If the pr gets created, it works (fixed with this issue: #6150)

Note: the steamcmd/steamcmd image gets an update every 6 hours.

Native package manager behavior


Images of the diff or a link to the PR, issue, or logs

Dependabot Output:

  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:12 proxy starting, commit: d719b9b9871e853c5fd63bf3552f3f857d979f3c
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:12 Listening (:1080)
updater | 2023-06-02T18:51:13.089443171 [672606741:main:WARN:src/devices/src/legacy/] Detached the serial input due to peer close/error.
updater | time="2023-06-02T18:51:15Z" level=info msg="guest starting" commit=8ab4a20db815b67034070152643b9878c12b051d
updater | time="2023-06-02T18:51:15Z" level=info msg="starting job..." fetcher_timeout=10m0s job_id=672606741 updater_timeout=45m0s updater_version=49704c16cb0893c0ab8c5f884471c324baf39b83-docker
updater | 2023/06/02 18:51:17 INFO Raven 3.1.2 ready to catch errors
updater | 2023/06/02 18:51:19 INFO <job_672606741> Starting job processing
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:19 [002] GET
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:19 [002] * authenticating github api request with token for
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:20 [002] 200
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:20 [004] GET
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:20 [004] * authenticating github api request with token for
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:20 [004] 200
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:20 [006] GET
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:20 [006] * authenticating github api request with token for
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:20 [006] 200
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:20 [008] GET
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:20 [008] * authenticating github api request with token for
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:20 [008] 200
updater | 2023/06/02 18:51:20 INFO <job_672606741> Finished job processing
updater | time="2023-06-02T18:51:20Z" level=info msg="task complete" container_id=job-672606741-file-fetcher exit_code=0 job_id=672606741 step=fetcher
updater | 2023/06/02 18:51:22 INFO Raven 3.1.2 ready to catch errors
updater | 2023/06/02 18:51:24 INFO <job_672606741> Starting job processing
updater | 2023/06/02 18:51:24 INFO <job_672606741> Starting update job for cp-fabian-pittroff/dependabot-docker-sha-digest-pr-update-issue
updater | 2023/06/02 18:51:24 INFO <job_672606741> Checking all dependencies for version updates...
updater | 2023/06/02 18:51:24 INFO <job_672606741> Checking if steamcmd/steamcmd ubuntu-22 needs updating
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:24 [014] GET
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:24 [014] 401
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:24 [016] GET
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [016] 200
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [018] GET
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [018] 200
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [020] HEAD
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [020] 401
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [022] GET
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [022] 200
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [024] HEAD
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [024] 200
updater | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 INFO <job_672606741> Latest version is ubuntu-22
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [026] HEAD
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [026] 401
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [028] GET
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [028] 200
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [030] HEAD
  proxy | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 [030] 200
updater | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 INFO <job_672606741> Pull request already exists for steamcmd/steamcmd with latest version ubuntu-22
updater | 2023/06/02 18:51:25 INFO <job_672606741> Finished job processing
updater | time="2023-06-02T18:51:25Z" level=info msg="task complete" container_id=job-672606741-updater exit_code=0 job_id=672606741 step=updater

Smallest manifest that reproduces the issue

AlexanderYastrebov commented 10 months ago

We observed the same problem. After removal of the tag dependabot even fails with error (see

updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:01 INFO <job_715278877> Checking if library/alpine-3 2213d4d74c39af5313b631cbde2630b4007755b280f0f6b98867f66103b76113 needs updating
  proxy | 2023/08/29 13:52:01 [030] GET
  proxy | 2023/08/29 13:52:02 [030] 200
  proxy | 2023/08/29 13:52:02 [032] GET
  proxy | 2023/08/29 13:52:02 [032] 200
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:02 INFO <job_715278877> Latest version is 
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:02 INFO <job_715278877> Sending event e767ddc58ce84841ba7cb7c0cc6fd880 to Sentry
  proxy | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 [034] POST
  proxy | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 [034] 200
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> Error processing library/alpine-3 (NoMethodError)
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> undefined method `match?' for nil:NilClass
updater | 
updater |         name.match?(FileParser::DIGEST)
updater |             ^^^^^^^
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/docker/lib/dependabot/docker/tag.rb:31:in `digest?'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/docker/lib/dependabot/docker/update_checker.rb:185:in `updated_digest'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/docker/lib/dependabot/docker/update_checker.rb:90:in `block in digest_up_to_date?'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/docker/lib/dependabot/docker/update_checker.rb:89:in `all?'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/docker/lib/dependabot/docker/update_checker.rb:89:in `digest_up_to_date?'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/docker/lib/dependabot/docker/update_checker.rb:71:in `version_up_to_date?'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/common/lib/dependabot/update_checkers/base.rb:34:in `up_to_date?'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/lib/dependabot/updater/operations/update_all_versions.rb:79:in `check_and_create_pull_request'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/lib/dependabot/updater/operations/update_all_versions.rb:59:in `check_and_create_pr_with_error_handling'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/lib/dependabot/updater/operations/update_all_versions.rb:34:in `block in perform'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/lib/dependabot/updater/operations/update_all_versions.rb:34:in `each'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/lib/dependabot/updater/operations/update_all_versions.rb:34:in `perform'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/lib/dependabot/updater.rb:63:in `run'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/lib/dependabot/update_files_command.rb:38:in `perform_job'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/lib/dependabot/base_command.rb:52:in `run'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 ERROR <job_715278877> bin/update_files.rb:23:in `<main>'
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 INFO <job_715278877> Finished job processing
updater | 2023/08/29 13:52:03 INFO Results:
updater | Dependabot encountered '1' error(s) during execution, please check the logs for more details.
updater | +----------------------------------+
updater | |  Dependencies failed to update   |
updater | +------------------+---------------+
updater | | library/alpine-3 | unknown_error |
updater | +------------------+---------------+
updater | time="2023-08-29T13:52:03Z" level=info msg="task complete" container_id=job-715278877-updater exit_code=0 job_id=715278877 step=updater

The Dockerfile docs allow:

FROM [--platform=<platform>] <image> [AS <name>]
# or
FROM [--platform=<platform>] <image>[:<tag>] [AS <name>]
# or
FROM [--platform=<platform>] <image>[@<digest>] [AS <name>]


Dependabot neither supports undocumented (see FROM foo:atag@sha256:112233... nor documented FROM foo@sha256:112233... forms with digest.

jurre commented 10 months ago

@cp-fabian-pittroff when attempting to run Dependabot on your sample repo, it seems to update correctly for me:

 => bump steamcmd/steamcmd from `091eb51` to `6681332`

    ± Dockerfile
    --- /tmp/original20230905-11-7gl513 2023-09-05 12:25:57.250082000 +0000
    +++ /tmp/updated20230905-11-bpm2ze  2023-09-05 12:25:57.250082000 +0000
    @@ -1 +1 @@
    -FROM steamcmd/steamcmd:ubuntu-22@sha256:091eb51de70e22deacb316671f90d526e253721d391138df82c5541ced75c2f9
    +FROM steamcmd/steamcmd:ubuntu-22@sha256:6681332e3f616b2610f582ef8ec345d116d914c0deb76a8e419d9e970aacea15
    2 insertions (+), 2 deletions (-)

Could it maybe have been resolved since this issue was opened?

@AlexanderYastrebov what's the best way to reproduce the issue you were running into, is there a specific sha in the repo you referenced that I can check?

AlexanderYastrebov commented 10 months ago

@jurre Hello. It failed on

FROM AS default

Note that we attempted to remove tag (and only use hash) within because dependabot stopped updating hash and said that "Pull request already exists for library/alpine-3 with latest version latest":

updater | 2023/08/29 00:21:53 INFO <job_714994438> Checking if library/alpine-3 latest needs updating
updater | 2023/08/29 00:21:53 INFO <job_714994438> Latest version is latest
  proxy | 2023/08/29 00:21:53 [018] HEAD
  proxy | 2023/08/29 00:21:53 [018] 200
updater | 2023/08/29 00:21:53 INFO <job_714994438> Pull request already exists for library/alpine-3 with latest version latest
cp-fabian-pittroff commented 10 months ago

Hello @jurre

I manually triggered a dependabot rebase and the sha got updated. But the scheduled update with dependabot doesn't update the pr:

updater | 2023/09/04 15:32:30 INFO <job_717694753> Pull request already exists for steamcmd/steamcmd with latest version ubuntu-22
updater | 2023/09/04 15:32:30 INFO <job_717694753> Finished job processing

Now the current latest sha is: 6681332e3f616b2610f582ef8ec345d116d914c0deb76a8e419d9e970aacea15


In 2-3 hours the docker sha should be changed again and also the pr should update with the next dependabot schedule.

I'll report back after the next docker sha change.

cp-fabian-pittroff commented 10 months ago


sha changed to 044c5c03c0d8aeb0a9e510dd4c57e6392409cb45a0ded6734fe9d8ac540b36f7. Triggered dependabot schedule update, same log and no updated pr.

deivid-rodriguez commented 9 months ago

Any updates on a potential repro for this?

szuecs commented 9 months ago

@deivid-rodriguez I think has all information and references a PR that shows the problem. If you need more let us know.

deivid-rodriguez commented 9 months ago

Oh, right, thanks @szuecs. #8070 should fix this!

deivid-rodriguez commented 9 months ago

After a closer look, my PR only fixes the last error you mentioned, but I don't think it will fix the original issue.

My understanding is that the original issue is that, when pinned to a SHA reference, Dependabot is able to create an initial PR, but then subsequent scheduled runs won't update the initial PR with newer SHAs like it happens with regular version updates. I think that's still an issue. You can workaround it as mentioned above with @dependabot recreate or by merging the PR and letting a fresh one be created.

Something I'm not clear about is that, according to my investigation, the last error mentioned happened due to not providing a "latest" tag. However the previous error about a PR already being opened mentions the "latest" tag. So I'm confused about that. Is it expected that your image does not provide a rolling latest tag?

cp-fabian-pittroff commented 9 months ago

Would it help if I update the provided repository with a ci workflow, to manually update a docker image? So something like a nginx container with the github_run_id for the index.html?

Recreating the PR or merging it works.

szuecs commented 9 months ago

@deivid-rodriguez I am not sure if you can access , but if so the reason why not to use "latest" tag is because OpenSSF scorecard says we should "pin by hash" and not use "latest" tag.

Here a picture of the recommendation: image

deivid-rodriguez commented 9 months ago

I can't access that but my point was not to advice not using "latest" as the consumer of the image, but that under my testing, the "latest" label for the did not exist. I think I'm missing something since I can pull that tag just fine, so let me double check.

deivid-rodriguez commented 9 months ago

So, to try better explain the problem.

While does not list "latest", the "latest" tag does exist as per This confuses dependabot.

If I completely remove the line that checks whether the "latest" tag is listed:

diff --git a/docker/lib/dependabot/docker/update_checker.rb b/docker/lib/dependabot/docker/update_checker.rb
index 91fddf714..e831bca37 100644
--- a/docker/lib/dependabot/docker/update_checker.rb
+++ b/docker/lib/dependabot/docker/update_checker.rb
@@ -214,8 +214,6 @@ module Dependabot

       def latest_digest
-        return unless"latest")

then the update succeeds just fine.

Regardless of this, I suspect the issue original reported here (and the one the title currently describes) is a separate issue, independent from the registry implementation.

szuecs commented 9 months ago

@deivid-rodriguez my and @AlexanderYastrebov problem is that we would like to use pinned hash, not latest. this sha256 version is not recognized by dependabot. So the same as reported by @cp-fabian-pittroff

deivid-rodriguez commented 9 months ago

Are you able to get a PR bumping the pinned hash at all? I assume not for the image as I explained.

@cp-fabian-pittroff can get PRs bumping pinned hashes, but once a PR is created is not updated or superseded with newer hashes.

cp-fabian-pittroff commented 9 months ago

@cp-fabian-pittroff can get PRs bumping pinned hashes, but once a PR is created is not updated or superseded with newer hashes.

That is correct.

I have a combination of tag and pinned hash (nginx:stable-alpine@sha256:fc9b8c25953467e406a95ab7b65cbfa9f56b6f24cffcd5ba07b30c2d388490b6). With the example, I would expect dependabot to search for stable-alpine and figure out if there is another sha associated with it.

Without a tag, dependabot can't really decide what the desired update target should be, can it? So from my point of view, there are only two options:

  1. error out with an explanation (something like without a tag information, dependabot can't check for updates)
  2. fallback to latest tag (but that might be confusing)

Unfortunately docker doesn't provide more information about a pinned image (RepoTags are empty).

docker inspect...

```bash docker image inspect nginx@sha256:fc9b8c25953467e406a95ab7b65cbfa9f56b6f24cffcd5ba07b30c2d388490b6 [ { "Id": "sha256:6dae3976ee053bb83177d82f6d05d91d669423bab48a9db94805e0b7808065c5", "RepoTags": [], "RepoDigests": [ "nginx@sha256:fc9b8c25953467e406a95ab7b65cbfa9f56b6f24cffcd5ba07b30c2d388490b6" ], "Parent": "", "Comment": "", "Created": "2023-08-09T02:16:04.742143271Z", "Container": "2c525ecdd2ce275fc8fcbb28650a821965558907fee45bae682fffb7bb0c4594", "ContainerConfig": { "Hostname": "", "Domainname": "", "User": "", "AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": false, "AttachStderr": false, "ExposedPorts": { "80/tcp": {} }, "Tty": false, "OpenStdin": false, "StdinOnce": false, "Env": [ "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "NGINX_VERSION=1.24.0", "PKG_RELEASE=1", "NJS_VERSION=0.7.12" ], "Cmd": [ "/bin/sh", "-c", "set -x && apkArch=\"$(cat /etc/apk/arch)\" && nginxPackages=\" nginx=${NGINX_VERSION}-r${PKG_RELEASE} nginx-module-xslt=${NGINX_VERSION}-r${PKG_RELEASE} nginx-module-geoip=${NGINX_VERSION}-r${PKG_RELEASE} nginx-module-image-filter=${NGINX_VERSION}-r${PKG_RELEASE} nginx-module-njs=${NGINX_VERSION}.${NJS_VERSION}-r${PKG_RELEASE} \" && apk add --no-cache --virtual .checksum-deps openssl && case \"$apkArch\" in x86_64|aarch64) set -x && KEY_SHA512=\"e09fa32f0a0eab2b879ccbbc4d0e4fb9751486eedda75e35fac65802cc9faa266425edf83e261137a2f4d16281ce2c1a5f4502930fe75154723da014214f0655\" && wget -O /tmp/ && if echo \"$KEY_SHA512 */tmp/\" | sha512sum -c -; then echo \"key verification succeeded!\"; mv /tmp/ /etc/apk/keys/; else echo \"key verification failed!\"; exit 1; fi && apk add -X \"$(egrep -o '^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+' /etc/alpine-release)/main\" --no-cache $nginxPackages ;; *) set -x && tempDir=\"$(mktemp -d)\" && chown nobody:nobody $tempDir && apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps gcc libc-dev make openssl-dev pcre2-dev zlib-dev linux-headers libxslt-dev gd-dev geoip-dev libedit-dev bash alpine-sdk findutils && su nobody -s /bin/sh -c \" export HOME=${tempDir} && cd ${tempDir} && curl -f -O${NGINX_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE}.tar.gz && PKGOSSCHECKSUM=\\\"dc47dbaeb1c0874b264d34ddfec40e7d2b814e7db48d144e12d5991c743ef5fcf780ecbab72324e562dd84bb9c0e4dd71d14850b20ceaf470c46f8fe7510275b *${NGINX_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE}.tar.gz\\\" && if [ \\\"\\$(openssl sha512 -r ${NGINX_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE}.tar.gz)\\\" = \\\"\\$PKGOSSCHECKSUM\\\" ]; then echo \\\"pkg-oss tarball checksum verification succeeded!\\\"; else echo \\\"pkg-oss tarball checksum verification failed!\\\"; exit 1; fi && tar xzvf ${NGINX_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE}.tar.gz && cd pkg-oss-${NGINX_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE} && cd alpine && make module-geoip module-image-filter module-njs module-xslt && apk index -o ${tempDir}/packages/alpine/${apkArch}/APKINDEX.tar.gz ${tempDir}/packages/alpine/${apkArch}/*.apk && abuild-sign -k ${tempDir}/.abuild/abuild-key.rsa ${tempDir}/packages/alpine/${apkArch}/APKINDEX.tar.gz \" && cp ${tempDir}/.abuild/ /etc/apk/keys/ && apk del .build-deps && apk add -X ${tempDir}/packages/alpine/ --no-cache $nginxPackages ;; esac && apk del .checksum-deps && if [ -n \"$tempDir\" ]; then rm -rf \"$tempDir\"; fi && if [ -n \"/etc/apk/keys/\" ]; then rm -f /etc/apk/keys/; fi && if [ -n \"/etc/apk/keys/\" ]; then rm -f /etc/apk/keys/; fi && apk add --no-cache curl ca-certificates" ], "Image": "sha256:90751f73663d6fc8df8afc448d7d65eaddd4c815176a4738891ad948fa4d5f62", "Volumes": null, "WorkingDir": "", "Entrypoint": null, "OnBuild": null, "Labels": { "maintainer": "NGINX Docker Maintainers " }, "StopSignal": "SIGQUIT" }, "DockerVersion": "20.10.23", "Author": "", "Config": { "Hostname": "", "Domainname": "", "User": "", "AttachStdin": false, "AttachStdout": false, "AttachStderr": false, "ExposedPorts": { "80/tcp": {} }, "Tty": false, "OpenStdin": false, "StdinOnce": false, "Env": [ "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin", "NGINX_VERSION=1.24.0", "PKG_RELEASE=1", "NJS_VERSION=0.7.12" ], "Cmd": [ "nginx", "-g", "daemon off;" ], "Image": "sha256:90751f73663d6fc8df8afc448d7d65eaddd4c815176a4738891ad948fa4d5f62", "Volumes": null, "WorkingDir": "", "Entrypoint": [ "/" ], "OnBuild": null, "Labels": { "maintainer": "NGINX Docker Maintainers " }, "StopSignal": "SIGQUIT" }, "Architecture": "amd64", "Os": "linux", "Size": 41111276, "VirtualSize": 41111276, "GraphDriver": { "Data": { "LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/25e5b92b8de9804d2ee5e5b20149bd6baa6ad225614cbc22a535d75c98220543/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e0bcb5fb8198eb72cb27e9d48e8d1dce0796a769c2a5f21453ecea9091497866/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/0eefeec894cc90d2ba5e030bca61f188806c71415b6f1c41b20095054c8f4817/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e00b71a2a5d74a8ddac531808b8fe41dab094314619e0bbedc92125f312c23be/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/648c56736d8f9c1ccea7d8bb1cb911665125a00c3642aa61d63fc41d10c7e6ea/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/a860c0e9e194db3c4f049bea0e3387e2f1f707eea2aae71c9e8cd3677772bfc2/diff", "MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/c69f82298e2d2efdb8653a6beff36879fe8c357bddb8429f4fc92203d58886c6/merged", "UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/c69f82298e2d2efdb8653a6beff36879fe8c357bddb8429f4fc92203d58886c6/diff", "WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/c69f82298e2d2efdb8653a6beff36879fe8c357bddb8429f4fc92203d58886c6/work" }, "Name": "overlay2" }, "RootFS": { "Type": "layers", "Layers": [ "sha256:36b50b131297b8860da51b2d2b24bb4c08dfbdf2789b08e3cc0f187c98637a19", "sha256:57b608dd7b54de578dfd642a64f3fdd97382b9e6f64048f2e2d2f2f0b5fba106", "sha256:9c01e5b3bd66a2fa68d3fc86561e62bee7ac4ba0d48cca885118946ba066d21f", "sha256:bb0903fd6f90dc5fa5718236a89f8df7a415a61a595254bb266691c3b1a6d25c", "sha256:4c6a1307a10bbd3f947505ba405d43a04e97f1fe5fd23c01a36534cc4f5ca3b0", "sha256:2b60bbe779e0616bf50d09b65ce80914ced19ea227d90c81b73bd4d63d3b227b", "sha256:194b12cb5e855dd336c7aacf8cb6e9475d9795676ef37b589a62bccc50c757fe" ] }, "Metadata": { "LastTagTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } } ] ```

deivid-rodriguez commented 9 months ago

Yes, we currently fallback to the latest tag. The problem is that when checking if a PR is already opened for the latest version, we don't seem to consider SHAs, that's why you won't get the PR superseded with another PR when there's a newer SHA available.

AlexanderYastrebov commented 9 months ago

I have a combination of tag and pinned hash

In such case tag is ignored, see

szuecs commented 9 months ago

FYI: we got an update

deivid-rodriguez commented 9 months ago

Yes. Your problem is specific to the alpine-3 image as I explained at The other images shouldn't be having any issues.