dependabot / dependabot-core

🤖 Dependabot's core logic for creating update PR's.
MIT License
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Bump golang from 1.22.2-bookworm to 1.22.3-bookworm in /go_modules #9733

Closed TomSellers closed 2 weeks ago

TomSellers commented 1 month ago

Similar to PRs #8374 and #8548, this allows Dependabot to function when used against Go projects that require Go 1.22.3.

Go 1.22.3 addresses some security issues. I have verified that the docker image exists.


rickardgranberg commented 3 weeks ago

Any way this can be expedited? Don't like being without a working dependabot for this long... Also, I think there's a dupe: #9701

TomSellers commented 2 weeks ago

These changes have been approve, can we have them landed? Dependabot is currently broken on Go codebases using the latest version of Go.

TomSellers commented 2 weeks ago

Note: This will need to be done again next Tuesday when Go 1.22.4 is released.

jakecoffman commented 2 weeks ago

@rickardgranberg @TomSellers What error are you seeing?

In #9435 I put back the auto-download behavior in the Go CLI so it should be working even though Dependabot isn't running the latest Go. We're seeing Dependabot PRs flowing on the Dependabot CLI even though it's on Go 1.22.3:

So if you're seeing an error I'd love to fix the root cause, keeping up with Go releases is not a great long-term solution.

jakecoffman commented 2 weeks ago is now merged, but again if you're seeing an error because of this please file an issue. I'd love to make it not necessary to keep up with the releases so closely!

rickardgranberg commented 2 weeks ago

I know this is closed, but this is the error I'm seeing:

Dependabot failed to update your dependencies because there was an error resolving your Go dependency files.

Dependabot encountered the following error:

go: loading module retractions for <redacted>@v0.1.0: module <redacted-dependency>@v0.34.0 requires go >= 1.22.3 (running go 1.22.2; GOTOOLCHAIN=local+auto)
[Troubleshoot Dependabot errors](

The error is seen in a repo where there's a dependency on a module that has go 1.22.3 in it's go.mod. Running dependabot in a repo that on it's own requires go 1.22.3 works fine. So it's only in the dependency resolution.

Hope this helps.