dependabot / dependabot-core

🤖 Dependabot's core logic for creating update PR's.
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Enabling RSpec/MultipleDescribes #9743

Open robaiken opened 1 month ago

robaiken commented 1 month ago

jurre commented 5 days ago

There seem to be unrelated changes in this PR? just ones made necessary by merges to avoid conflicts

GarryHurleyJr commented 4 days ago

There seem to be unrelated changes in this PR? just ones made necessary by merges to avoid conflicts

I merged in main to keep the code fresh. Since there were conflicts, I fixed those.

jurre commented 16 hours ago

There seem to be unrelated changes in this PR? just ones made necessary by merges to avoid conflicts

I merged in main to keep the code fresh. Since there were conflicts, I fixed those.

If they were fixed, the unrelated changes would not be showing.

It might be easiest to do a hard reset to main and re-apply the changes.

GarryHurleyJr commented 1 hour ago

There seem to be unrelated changes in this PR? just ones made necessary by merges to avoid conflicts

I merged in main to keep the code fresh. Since there were conflicts, I fixed those.

If they were fixed, the unrelated changes would not be showing.

It might be easiest to do a hard reset to main and re-apply the changes.

hard reset done, changes reapplied.