dependabot / dependabot-core

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Terraform provider updates #9747

Open ukv001 opened 2 weeks ago

ukv001 commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Feature description

We have a repo that contains all our infra structure, separated into different environments. Under each environment we have 2 infra structures, one for the actual infra structure and one for uploading secrets to vault e.g. infrastructure/environments/dev/infrastructure infrastructure/environments/dev/vault infrastructure/environments/prod/infrastructure infrastructure/environments/prod/vault it seems that in the dependabot file I need to specifify each infrastructure e.g. for dev/infrastructure

From what I have experienced the other types of ecosystems I can just add the / and it will find files needed, e.g. for actions, and pom files and so on.

is this a flaw in the terraform or is it on purpose ? I do realise I would like to separate one environment out, so I can look at the plan for sure before applying.

zahorniak commented 2 days ago

Hi @ukv001,

Does a configuration like this not solve your problem?

  # To keep Terraform modules up to date
  - package-ecosystem: "terraform"
      - "/infrastructure/environments/dev/infrastructure"
      - "/infrastructure/environments/dev/vault"
      - "/infrastructure/environments/prod/infrastructure"
      - "/infrastructure/environments/prod/vault"
      interval: "daily"