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Private repos for education? #40

Closed suhlig closed 6 years ago

suhlig commented 6 years ago

I am teaching a university course and I host the sources in a private GitHub repo that I got through their "GitHub Education" programme. I'd like to use Dependabot for that project, too. But with the free plan I cannot use private GitHub repos.

Does Dependabot offer a free plan for educational institutions?

greysteil commented 6 years ago

I'd really like to get Dependabot included in the GitHub Education programme - fancy dropping an email suggesting it?

In the meantime, if you sign up for a free account and ping me the organisation name then I'll set your account to have full access to private repos 🙂.

suhlig commented 6 years ago

Awesome; thanks! The org is uhlig-it.

I‘ll be writing to too.

greysteil commented 6 years ago

Great - you're all set up and should be able to use Dependabot as if you had an unlimited account.