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feature request: auto-merge in-range updates #79

Closed christopherthielen closed 6 years ago

christopherthielen commented 6 years ago

I'm using dependabot for javascript.

Feature Request:

I'd like the ability to auto-merge any in-range updates. It would be even better if those in-range updates could be consolidated into a single PR.

I want to have two workflows with dependabot:

Additional thoughts

Dependency updates can be categorized in a few different ways:

1) in-range (matches the package.json semver) 2) out-of-range 3) minor 4) patch 3) dev deps 4) normal deps 5) security 6) something else that I haven't thought of


Maybe these could be seen as a matrix:

- In range Out of range Minor Patch Security
Normal deps X X
Dev deps X X

I could pick and choose which matrix elements I want auto-merged


Maybe each PR could get Tags which categorize the update type. The tags could be real github tags, or dependabot only (I don't think it really matters):

Example PR with tags:

build(deps): bump yargs from 11.0.0 to 12.0.1 [Development] [OutOfRange] [Major]

Then maybe I can create a set of auto-merge combinations:

...but that might be overcomplicating things.

Looking forward to your feedback

greysteil commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @christopherthielen!

Did you already see the automerge options Dependabot currently has? If you click to edit one of your update configs, or look in the advanced options section when adding a new language, you can ask Dependabot to automerge patch, security, minor or all updates, differentiating between dev and runtime dependencies. You can also specify working hours to do the automerging in (we only released that yesterday).

christopherthielen commented 6 years ago

Hi @greysteil thanks for the quick reply! Yes, I am familiar with the options for auto-merge. My main request is to add "in-range updates" to the list of auto-merge options. Essentially, I want dependabot to run yarn upgrade on my repository and commit the changes if CI is successful.

The problem with the existing options such as "minor" or "patch" or "security" is that many dependencies do not conform to semver. Additionally, semver itself has oddities such as packages that start with "0.3.x" as opposed to "3.0.0".

In the case of projects which don't follow semver (even huge projects such as typescript), breaking changes occur in the minor releases, i.e. "1.7.x" -> "1.8.x".

For the "0.3.x" cases, a "minor" version bump actually indicates a breaking change release (of a pre-release software), so I have little confidence in auto-merging on "minor" versions.

In any case, my semver ranges in package.json indicate the versions that I'm comfortable automatically merging updates for (and these ranges are never "all patch versions" or "all minor versions").

The remainder of my original issue comment is musings about how to possibly support multiple choices for auto-merging. For example, I want to auto-merge both security updates and in-range updates.

greysteil commented 6 years ago

Interesting, thanks for the extra detail.

I think this is a good idea - I'll take a look at implementing it.

BTW, Dependabot won't automerge pre-1.0.0 dependencies or anything else that clearly doesn't follow SemVer (like CalVer dependencies), but tricky deps like typescript do pose a problem.

greysteil commented 6 years ago

Shipped! 🚢


schoenwaldnils commented 5 years ago

Where can I find this option?

feelepxyz commented 5 years ago

@schoenwaldnils it's currently in private beta but happy to add your account! Which github account do you want it enabled for?