dependency-check / azuredevops

Dependency Check Azure DevOps Extension
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to upload artifact of multiple task executions with multiple report formats #124

Open emboss64 opened 1 year ago

emboss64 commented 1 year ago

When you run dependency-check-build-task multiple times within the same pipeline your artifact only stores the files from the last run. This wouldn't be an issue if you were only using a single output format and using reportFilename, which is not our case as we need both JUnit and HTML reports.

As a workaround, we are uploading artifacts after every run modifying the filename, but this results in also having the original filename

        write-Host "##vso[task.addattachment type=dependencycheck-artifact;name=$new_name;]$new_path"
        write-Host "##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=dependency-check;artifactname=Dependency Check;]$new_path"


Some options I can think of to fix this:

HaGGi13 commented 1 year ago

Hello, may I ask you why it's needed to execute it multiple times in the same pipeline?

Following is not tested.

Maybe I got your scenario wrong, but you can get the output formats JUnit and HTML with one execution. Define them as list comma separated for instance JUnit,HTML as the value of parameter format:

In addition, for multiple runs within the the same pipeline, you can define the path to your artifacts drop-off root directory and a sub-folder for each run by using the parameter reportDirectory.

emboss64 commented 1 year ago

Hi! So basically we've predefined templates for mono repo solutions which mix different tech stacks. So the same template is executed twice within the same pipeline but with a type switch which enables/disables analyzers based on the tech stack.

I'm going to give the reportDirectory parameter a go, to see if that actually does the trick! Thanks! I thought that having containerfolder=dependency-check in dependency-check-build-task.ts would always end up setting the artifacts in the same container within the published Dependency Check artifact

emboss64 commented 1 year ago

I can confirm it does not work. The reports are generated indeed in a separate directory but at the time of uploading the artifact they are uploaded to the same target containerfolder

Some logs from a sample run

Setting report directory to /opt/tfs/agent01/_work/341/a/dependency-check/net/
##[debug]Absolute path for pathSegments: /opt/tfs/agent01/_work/341/a/dependency-check/net/,log = /opt/tfs/agent01/_work/341/a/dependency-check/net/log
Creating report directory at /opt/tfs/agent01/_work/341/a/dependency-check/net/

##[debug]Upload artifact: /opt/tfs/agent01/_work/341/a/dependency-check/net/dependency-check-junit.xml to server for build: 506609 at backend.
##[debug]Processed: ##vso[artifact.upload containerfolder=dependency-check;artifactname=Dependency Check;]/opt/tfs/agent01/_work/341/a/dependency-check/net/dependency-check-junit.xml
pippolino commented 8 months ago

I have the same problem

pippolino commented 8 months ago

@ejohn20 @guidojw @HaGGi13 Thank you for all the support you give to this repository, I have seen that no interventions have been made for many months. Is the project always maintained?

ejohn20 commented 8 months ago

We are no longer are using Azure DevOps in our organization, so I have not been actively maintaining this. I'm open to having other folks take over this extension if the desire is there. @jeremylong is there an official way you have done this in the past?

jeremylong commented 8 months ago

If a new volunteer to work on the project steps forward - we can give them access. This has happened in the past with the ODC jenkins plugin. However, I do not have time myself to maintain the ADO extension myself.

jeremylong commented 8 months ago

@ejohn20 I might suggest that you update the indicating the project is seeking a new maintainer?

pippolino commented 8 months ago

@jeremylong I am available to help if necessary

ejohn20 commented 8 months ago

READMD updated and I opened an issue specifically for this: