dependency-check / dependency-check-sonar-plugin

Integrates Dependency-Check reports into SonarQube
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Pnpm vulnerabilities are not shown in sonarqube #947

Open Manideepakakula opened 1 month ago

Manideepakakula commented 1 month ago

18:47:34.919 INFO: No project configuration file, e.g. pom.xml, .gradle, .gradle.kts, package-lock.json found, therefore it isn't possible to correctly link dependencies with files.

pnpm-lock.yaml is not recognized as configuration file, so the vulnerabilites found via the dependecy-check report are not shown in sonarqube. how can I add these vulnerabilities to sonarqube.

here is my sonar-scanner logs for dependency-check

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 11 53 43 AM
pedrocarrico commented 1 month ago

I'm having this same issue, I'm also not seeing package.json in my code in Sonarqube so I'm uncertain if it might also be the cause that it cannot link the vulnerabilities to dependencies.

I do see the html report in Sonarqube and that looks fine, I can see "OWASP-Dependency-Check" in the "Measures" tab of the project with numbers of vulnerabilities there I just can't see it linked to anything or in the Project's Security Hotspots.

Reamer commented 1 month ago

I'm having this same issue, I'm also not seeing package.json in my code in Sonarqube so I'm uncertain if it might also be the cause that it cannot link the vulnerabilities to dependencies.

For npm you need the package-lock.json in your SCM as recommended by npm.

This file is intended to be committed into source repositories

Please adjust sonar.sources property like in the example project. After that adjustment your vulnerabilities should be link to the package-lock.json.

Reamer commented 1 month ago

pnpm-lock.yaml are currently not supported.