depfu / feedback

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Can't make depfu work with private NPM package #29

Closed MilosMosovsky closed 5 years ago

MilosMosovsky commented 5 years ago

We are trying to make depfu work with one of our private NPM packages. But it seems it's having some problem (or maybe we are missing something).

Current behaviour

  1. We release new package to which is privately scoped
  2. Depfu has npmjs token to AUTH with that namespace and correctly parses the version change
  3. Depfu marks the update as Queued
  4. After some time it goes to Waiting state in the dashboard
  5. After some time it goes to Running state in the dashboard
  6. Nothing happens

Current behaviour 2 Steps 1-2 are same

  1. I click manually button Run now in the dependency list Steps 3-5 are repeated

Current behaviour 3 Steps 1-2 are same

  1. I click manually button Create a PR in the dependency list Steps 3-5 are repeated

Additional findings

This leads me to a conclusion that depfu can't in any way communicate with our github repository (as it is private) to parse maybe it even crash because of that ??

The current setup is:

CHANGELOG md at master · toptal:picasso 2019-04-24 19-38-35

@theflow Any thought on this? Are we missing some magical thing to make it work :) /cc: @anym0us

If you need more sensitive info feel free to reach me on Screen Shot 2019-04-24 at 7 43 10 PM

theflow commented 5 years ago

Hi @MilosMosovsky,

So I've checked and everything is working fine with the private npm package.

The problem here is that right now Depfu ignores pre-releases. That has been on our list for a while but we haven't gotten to it yet: basically if you're on a pre-release version, it should also send you new pre-release updates. I'll have a look this tomorrow to see what I can do, maybe as a first step it should at least send you the update if you explicitly trigger it from the UI.

Cheers, Florian

MilosMosovsky commented 5 years ago

@theflow Awesome, that explains a lot, the trigger from UI would be awesome, I will try to fix it to make normal release instead of pre-release 👍 Thanks!

MilosMosovsky commented 5 years ago

@theflow I am not sure if you implemented something but we just received PR from depfu :) Only the last part is missing, we don't have changelog parsed properly (there is no section for that) is there any standard format which is used for that?

theflow commented 5 years ago

@MilosMosovsky yes, I've fixed a few issues today around pre-release versions. There is still work left, so if possible I would recommend to use stable version numbers for private packages.

Getting the list of commits and changelog showing up in the PR for private packages is another thing we're actively working on, that should be working soon.

MilosMosovsky commented 5 years ago

@theflow Is there any possible workaround for that for now ? (e.g. packing to npm) package so it could be read by node_modules/@org/package/ ? 🤔

And thanks for the great job!

theflow commented 5 years ago

No, unfortunately not, at least we couldn't think of any workaround. It would need to be part of the response from for your package and there is no extra info you can store there for each version.

theflow commented 5 years ago

Hi @MilosMosovsky, I've did some more work on this and please take a look at the open PR for your private package, it should have the changelog in there now.

MilosMosovsky commented 5 years ago

@theflow AWESOME! It works like a charm :)