depfu / feedback

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Make project configurable from a repository file #40

Closed Siilwyn closed 2 years ago

Siilwyn commented 4 years ago

It would be great to have repo settings available on the online Depfu dashboard page as configurable values in a config file.

Would need to decide on three things: 1) the location Can be one location like the root of the project or multiple (fallback) locations, for example inside the .github directory would be nice to avoid an extra 'root' file.

2) the language Looking at other tools TOML, JS or JSON seem to be the most common. Since JSON is not forgiving on (single) quotes and trailing commas TOML seems to be a good option for Depfu. A great Netlify example documentation page about their TOML config.

3) interaction with dashboard Either the repo file or the dashboard settings take precedence, the first being the most common in my experience. It would also be great to be able to export settings from the dashboard as config file.

Example config content, including a required version for future flexibility:

version = 1
  outofspec = true
    outofspec = false
  openlimit = 3
andyw8 commented 2 years ago

This is really the only Dependabot feature I miss. When I set up a project, it would be great if I could copy a previous config rather than having to set up everything again through the web UI.

theflow commented 2 years ago

@Siilwyn @andyw8 we recently shipped a beta of this, please give it a try and see if you run into any issues.