deployphp / action

GitHub Action for Deployer
MIT License
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Puzzling ssh fail #74

Open baradhili opened 1 year ago

baradhili commented 1 year ago

This is the deploy snippet in my github deploy.yml

- name: Deploy
      uses: deployphp/action@v1
        private-key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}
        dep: deploy ${{ secrets.SSH_HOST }} -o branch=main -o keep_releases=3 -vvv

PRIVATE_KEY and SSH_HOST are defined in my github actions secrets

However, I keep seeing this error in teh deploy log

Run deployphp/action@v1
$ ssh-agent -a /tmp/ssh-auth.sock
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-auth.sock; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
echo Agent pid 3422;
Using "vendor/bin/dep".
Invalid JSON in options
$ php vendor/bin/dep deploy *** -o branch=main -o keep_releases=3 -vvv --no-interaction --ansi -v 
task deploy:info
task deploy:setup
  [***] /usr/bin/php8.1 /home/runner/work/laravel-api/laravel-api/vendor/***/***/dep worker --port 40175 --task deploy:setup --host *** --option branch=main --option keep_releases=3 --ansi --no-interaction --decorated -vvv
  [***] ssh '-A' '-o' 'ControlMaster=auto' '-o' 'ControlPersist=60' '-o' 'ControlPath=/dev/shm/***@' '***@' ': 0f89c0c962742bac1f0b; bash -ls'
  [***] run [ -d /var/www/html ] || mkdir -p /var/www/html;
  cd /var/www/html;
  [ -d .dep ] || mkdir .dep;
  [ -d releases ] || mkdir releases;
  [ -d shared ] || mkdir shared;
  [***] Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
  [***] Permission denied, please try again.
  [***] Permission denied, please try again.
  [***] ***@ Permission denied (publickey,password).
  [***]  error  in setup.php on line 7:
  [***] exit code -1 (Unknown error)
ERROR: Task deploy:setup failed!
task deploy:failed
task deploy:unlock
ERROR: Task deploy:unlock failed!
Error: Failed: dep deploy,***,-o,branch=main,-o,keep_releases=3,-vvv

using sshpass-action I have confirmed it can actually login from teh deploy, and I've also tested locally using teh private key and it has no problems logging in..

Any suggestions as to where to look?

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baradhili commented 1 year ago

ok the errors didn't not help me.. but I realised I had the secret name for the private key different between the secret store and the script