deployphp / deployer

The PHP deployment tool with support for popular frameworks out of the box
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Incompatible declaration when using AWS SDK in deploy.php #3807

Open seb-enovate opened 2 months ago

seb-enovate commented 2 months ago

We are using the AWS SDK within our deploy.php file to fetch some data that we need for our deployments. However, since upgrading to more recent versions of the AWS SDK (version 3.303.4 in our case) we have been getting the following error when doing deploys (truncated for brevity):

PHP Fatal error:  Declaration of RingCentral\Psr7\Request::getRequestTarget() must be compatible with Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface::getRequestTarget(): string in phar:///root/.composer/vendor/deployer/deployer/dep/vendor/ringcentral/psr7/src/Request.php on line 63
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() /root/.composer/vendor/bin/dep:0
PHP   2. include() /root/.composer/vendor/bin/dep:119
PHP   3. require() /root/.composer/vendor/deployer/deployer/dep:4
PHP   4. Deployer\Deployer::run($version = '7.3.3', $deployFile = '/builds/clients/target-zero-booking-system/deploy.php') phar:///root/.composer/vendor/deployer/deployer/dep/bin/dep:96

I believe the issue is that the AWS SDK changed their version constraint of the psr/http-message package to allow either 1.x or 2.x in this commit.

Now Deployer's version constraint for the same package is ^1, and I think this is allowing the package to jump to 2.x somehow.

Running the following command in my project that uses Deployer fixes the issue:

composer require "psr/http-message" "^1.1"

I also note that in the output of that composer command it says the following:

  - Downgrading psr/http-message (2.0 => 1.1)

So I think that the psr/http-message version constraint in Deployer's composer.json needs to be updated to be more restrictive and prevent that package jumping to 2.x.

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antonmedv commented 2 months ago

Do you ise Deployer at master?

seb-enovate commented 2 months ago

Hi Anton,

We are using version 7.3.3, if that is what you are asking?



antonmedv commented 2 months ago

This is strange b/c deployed tagged version comes bunddled. No dependencies.

seb-enovate commented 2 months ago

Not sure if this is helpful but we are installing Deployer like this:

composer require "deployer/deployer" "^7.0.1"

And then installing the AWS SDK like this:

composer require "aws/aws-sdk-php"
mtwalsh commented 1 month ago

@antonmedv Sorry to chase, but we're still hitting this issue, would it help if we submitted a PR that adds a version constraint for the psr/http-message that resolves the issue?

antonmedv commented 1 month ago

@mtwalsh I guess you're using master branch. Try to switch a version tag.