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Magento 2: Changed upgrading database #3812

Closed dverkade closed 2 months ago

dverkade commented 2 months ago

This PR addresses two issues:

peterjaap commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the PR!

Changing setup:upgrade to the two separate upgrade commands is a great idea.

However, I don't see this working;

run("{{bin/php}} {{bin/magento}} setup:db-data:upgrade --no-interaction")->once();

Afaik run() returns a string (the output of the command) and not an object to set once() on. This should be wrapped in a separate task(), which can take once(). Right, @antonmedv ?

As a sidenote, we ran into accidentally enabling non-listed modules error with setup:upgrade before. To avoid this, we created a small PHP tool to check this before the deployment task starts in our pipeline;


$output = [];
exec('php bin/magento module:status --disabled', $output, $exitCode);

// If No disabled modules, exit with exit code 1
if ($exitCode === 1) {

$config = include 'app/etc/config.php';

$whitelistedDisabledModules = $config['whitelisted_disabled_modules'] ?? [];
$messages = [];

foreach ($output as $module) {
    if (!in_array($module, $whitelistedDisabledModules)) {
        $messages[] = $module . ' is disabled in modules but not whitelisted under whitelisted_disabled_modules in app/etc/config.php.';

if (!empty($messages)) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        echo $message . PHP_EOL;
} else {

Maybe you'll find it useful too.

antonmedv commented 2 months ago

Yeap. Once should be applied to tasks

peterjaap commented 2 months ago


peterjaap commented 2 months ago

@dverkade I just had time to take a deeper look at this, and I have some concerns.

The installSchema is now ran from setup:db-schema-upgrade.

The installDataFixtures is now ran from setup:db-data:upgrade.

So far so good.

However, now $installer->removeUnusedTriggers();` seems not to be triggered.

Also, app:config:import is not ran at this point. Won't this cause issues when people put configuration settings in app/etc/config.php? The Capistrano task runs this separately, see here.

I feel like we should add app:config:import in a separate task. That does leave the removal of the unused triggers..

dverkade commented 1 month ago

@peterjaap I've checked and the app:config:import command is already triggered before the db:upgrade here. So no issue there.

Regarding the removeUnusedTriggers() function. That's interesting and IMHO is an issue of Magento itself. Shouldn't that be part of the setup:db-schema:upgrade command too as this will make sure the db-schema is up to date. I've never had issues with this setup (and that particular function not being run) while using Capistrano which we have used for years before moving to Deployer.

peterjaap commented 1 month ago

@dverkade I guess it won't immediately introduce issues when the unused triggers aren't removed, it's more a part of good database hygiene. Weirdly enough, that removeUnusedTriggers() call is the ONLY call in the whole of Magento where it's run.

peterjaap commented 1 month ago

It also looks like that the removeUnusedTriggers() call also CREATED triggers <2.4.6, which could indeed cause issues down the line;

peterjaap commented 1 month ago

The nicest solution would be that core Magento will contain a console command to delete the unused triggers, so we can call that too. Or that it is behind a flag in the setup:db-schema:upgrade command.