deployphp / deployer

The PHP deployment tool with support for popular frameworks out of the box
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Add Nuxt JS deploy recipe #3823

Open sts-ryan-holton opened 1 month ago

sts-ryan-holton commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'd like to be able to deploy a Nuxt JS project. Nuxt JS when generated as a static site dynamically figures out whether it needs to regenerate the project after each deployment by looking at some folders outside of Git. Since deployer creates a new release folder each time and does npm run generate from within, it effectively takes a long time on every deployment because it doesn't know about what's changed.

Can you create a recipe for this?

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sts-ryan-holton commented 1 month ago

Is this something that might be implemented?

Schrank commented 1 month ago

Hi @sts-ryan-holton, thanks for opening this issue. I think this is something we might add as a contribution, but I guess it is nothing we want to implement and maintain, so feel free to PR a recipe and take care of it :-)