deptofdefense / BricksInTheAir

Hack the Plane with Legos and Arduinos!
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FOR VR: We would need to see how DDS is handling queuing and any endpoints that could return us that data/ iframe it into our site. Any documentation for this would be helpful. #65

Closed ckoroma closed 4 years ago

ckoroma commented 4 years ago

Need to have this detail so I can drop it in the jira ticket for the vendor/

zeetwii commented 4 years ago

Right now as a part of the Chat bot we have a function that keeps track of how many active users are on at any given moment.

Ideally we would like a socket on their side that we could push that number to any time it changes

ckoroma commented 4 years ago

Responded that we are not going to do twitch integration