dequelabs / axe-core

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autocomplete-valid (SC 1.3.5) triggers error for autocomplete="text" #4492

Closed cstrobbe closed 1 week ago

cstrobbe commented 3 weeks ago


axe Extension

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Latest Version

Issue Description


autocomplete="text" is not flagged as a violation of SC 1.3.5.


Axe Devtools flags <input class="form-text" id="term" name="term" type="text" aria-required="false" autocomplete="text" placeholder="Zoek op titel, trefwoord" value=""> as a WCAG violation.

How to Reproduce

Create a page with something like <input class="form-text" id="term" name="term" type="text" aria-required="false" autocomplete="text" value=""> (basically a generic search field) or go to Zoek een tool. Run Axe Devtools and notice that it reports the following issue: autocomplete attribute must be used correctly.

Additional context

While "text" is not among the values listed in the HTML specificiation, the field does not collect information about the user, so SC 1.3.5 is not even applicable.

WilcoFiers commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting this @cstrobbe. I agree with you this doesn't fail WCAG. An autocomplete attribute that isn't needed doesn't need to be valid. We have a few other rules where we have harmless "common" HTML mistakes reported as needing review rather than as an issue. I think that's the way to go here. Looking into GitHub search it seems people do use autocomplete="text" from time to time.

gaiety-deque commented 2 weeks ago

Wilco suggested I add a list, that contains text for now. Bonus points if I add other common harmless but invalid values.

If autocomplete is any in this list, incomplete it.