dequelabs / axe-core

Accessibility engine for automated Web UI testing
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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test name and tester missing in export when 0 issues found #4505

Open joppekroon opened 1 week ago

joppekroon commented 1 week ago


axe Extension

Product Version


Latest Version

Issue Description


Provide the testName and a field like foundBy (but named more appropriately) in the top level data of the JSON export of the extension.


In the JSON export of the extension testName and foundBy is included in the JSON for each issue. However, in the happy situation where there are no issues the name of the test run as well as the mailadres of the tester is nowhere available in the export.

How to Reproduce

Run the test on a page where 0 issues will be found. Export the test to JSON.

Additional context

I'm trying to build a dashboard for all the tests. The test name is a perfect candidate for a readable name for the URL. And noting who ran the test, also when 0 issues were found, would also be very valuable as a way to contact the person who decided to mark something as an issue or not.

The information is clearly available, but it seems to me that not including it in the top section of data (with the "url", "extensionVersion", "axeVersion", etc.) was an oversight.

Amandeque commented 3 days ago

@joppekroon Thank you for raising this issue. I've created a ticket for it in our product backlog (axe Extension). We will prioritize and resolve it in one of our upcoming releases.