der-stefan / OpenTopoMap

A topographic map from OpenStreetMap and SRTM data
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update_lowzoom script stuck in "lowzoom_lakelabel..." step #280

Closed hholzgra closed 3 years ago

hholzgra commented 3 years ago

The actual problem seems to be the lowzoom_lakelabel view, it works when only requesting one row, but with two rows it already runs for several hours without coming to an end:

gis=> \timing
Timing is on.
gis=> SELECT * FROM lowzoom_lakelabel limit 1;
                                            way                                             | name |  label   |  way_area   
 0102000020110F00000200000072C42F42A7A9444106EBC942CFDE5541B001E775EBAA444106EBC942CFDE5541 | Olt  | lakeaxis | 2.22856e+06
(1 row)

Time: 33.325 ms

gis=> SELECT * FROM lowzoom_lakelabel limit 2;
[... I gave up waiting after ~8 hours ...]
hholzgra commented 3 years ago

Ignore this for now, just noticed that I'm using a private fork that is rather outdated by now, not this original repository.

hholzgra commented 3 years ago

Working fine after merging current upstream master