der-stefan / OpenTopoMap

A topographic map from OpenStreetMap and SRTM data
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Render single naural=tree(s) #297

Open yvecai opened 3 years ago

yvecai commented 3 years ago

In some places, single trees are well mapped, leading to a very detailed countryside. see comparison with and w/o at zoom

These single trees and natural=tree_row s are rather cheap to render, and I get kind of a 'wow' effect adding them in opensnowmap, can't imagine on OpenTopoMap high contrast map.

maxmichels commented 3 years ago

What exactly is your question/feature request? I cannot see what you mean in the linked picture.

yvecai commented 3 years ago

In the image linked, on the left only landuse=forest and natural=wood are rendered. On the right, nodes natural=tree and lines natural=tree_row are rendered too. Don't you see the difference? I can assure that the landscape is much more readable on the rightmost map. Opentopomap could be improved in rendering tree mapped as single nodes.