Open mytracks opened 3 years ago
I already found the cause of the problem: phyghtmap cannot be used for large maps. Nevertheless I am still searching for a replacement of it.
I faced the same problem with phyghtmap after a while it always crashed so I replaced it with gdal_contour.
I faced the same problem with phyghtmap after a while it always crashed so I replaced it with gdal_contour.
I do not have any experience with gdal_contour. Can you provide a script or a command line that I can use as a replacement for the phyghtmap command?
You can generate contour lines with 10 meters interval like so:
gdal_contour -b 1 -a ele -i 10 raw.tif output.gpkg
You can write directly to the database or in this case to a geopackage file. Check the documentation here:
Bear in mind that this process takes a lot of memory.
I am currently developing a container image containing the complete OpenTopoMap infrastructure (PostgreSQL, apache, etc.). I am using the instructions of this project as the basis. Most of the stuff seems to work so far. However, the generated contours.pbf file has only a size of 138 bytes. I assume that this is not correct.
The steps are coded in the following script:
I did load the SRTM files of the whole world:
The execution of the complete script took about 6 days as far as I remember. I did no see any error message.
Does anybody know what the problem could be?
Thanks, Dirk