der-stefan / OpenTopoMap

A topographic map from OpenStreetMap and SRTM data
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Road bends broken, rendering artifacts #341

Open omeckman opened 1 year ago

omeckman commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone,

first of all, sorry if i'm in the wrong project or missed something, but for me at the moment, my problem seems to be specific to OTM.

I have a local OSM installation and want to create a huge map for DIN A0 printing. So far i used hm-render-mapnik and some customization and the standard openstreetmap-carto project. I now installed OTM and got it to render, first with gaps in the darker parts of the hillshades, which i could resolve with using lzw instead of jpeg compression, but i still have this problem:

Roads are not correctly connected/have holes/gaps at bends, sometimes the borders of roads are missing, or the thickness of roads varies without transition.

I'm not sure if this has to do with elevation/contour data, i played around with different dpi settings and stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit and whatnot, but no difference.

Here's how it looks like compared to the original openstreetmap-carto style:




Thank You for any hint to where i need to look to fix this.