der-stefan / OpenTopoMap

A topographic map from OpenStreetMap and SRTM data
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Chinese city names covered by city district names #343

Open kupferstecher opened 1 year ago

kupferstecher commented 1 year ago


opentopomap is my favourite map representation, but when looking for places in China it is very difficult to spot even the biggest cities, because the names are not displayed in most zoom levels. It seems the city names are 'covered' by the names of city districts. See attached screenshot, a bit in top of the center it shows Peking, the Chinese name 北京市 for Peking is missing, instead some city districts are shown, you can identify them by the character 区 (Qu). On the screenshot even outside of Peking a lot of 区 can be seen and all city names (of cities with millions of inhabitants) are missing.

I digged into the data a little bit and found that the city districts are also tagged with place=city and according to the openstreetmap wiki there is an additional tag place:CN for a more detailed hirarchy. Cities are tagged with place:CN=prefecture-level_city and the city districts with place:CN=neighborhood.

Not sure how this could be fixed, perhaps it is possible to define a priority for the 'place:CN=prefecture-level_city' items.

