Modules corralled by DV.ModularAudioCar.CarModularAudio.CarModularAudio
Copy default modules from eg flatcar and allow user to supply sim related ones? Seems like the SimAudioModule is really the only one that would vary between locos but should probably check.
Also need to setup WheelsAudioModule and RainAudioModule
Module Types:
RainAudioModule - check if this is just locos and how to copy
WheelsAudioModule - extra wheelslip & damage effects
SimAudioModule - the big one
SimAudioModule sits on a GameObject with siblings LayeredAudioSimReadersController & AudioClipSimReadersController. The layered audio and clip components then live on the children of this object, each one having of the below readers controlling them:
ALayeredAudioSimReader subclasses:
LayeredAudioPortReader - the generic implementation, control a layered clip with the value of a port
AAudioClipSimReader subclasses:
AudioClipPortReader - play clip on/above/below port threshold value
Looks like we need to copy the object from an existing loco and then set up a WheelslipAudioDefiniton for each PoweredWheel in the loco
Just need to copy from any loco, no special settings per individual car type
Modules corralled by DV.ModularAudioCar.CarModularAudio.CarModularAudio
Copy default modules from eg flatcar and allow user to supply sim related ones? Seems like the SimAudioModule is really the only one that would vary between locos but should probably check. Also need to setup WheelsAudioModule and RainAudioModule
Module Types:
SimAudioModule sits on a GameObject with siblings LayeredAudioSimReadersController & AudioClipSimReadersController. The layered audio and clip components then live on the children of this object, each one having of the below readers controlling them:
ALayeredAudioSimReader subclasses:
AAudioClipSimReader subclasses:
Looks like we need to copy the object from an existing loco and then set up a WheelslipAudioDefiniton for each PoweredWheel in the loco
Just need to copy from any loco, no special settings per individual car type