derekhui7 / qbb2024-answers

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Bootcamp Day 2 grading rubrics #2

Open mfisada opened 3 weeks ago

mfisada commented 3 weeks ago

[Updated 20240911]

DAY 2 MORNING Exercise Description Completion
Q1A Code present YES
Q1B protein_coding genes count correct YES
Q1C Discussion of interesting biotype YES
Q2A Code and result for identifying gene with most go_ids YES
Q2B Code for creating new file sorted by 3rd column YES
Q2C Description of results for gene from Q2A YES
Q3A Code and result for IG genes per chromosome YES
Q3B Code and result for IG pseudogenes per chromosome YES
Q4A Description for why grep pseudogene <file> is inefficient YES
Q4B More specific code written YES
Q5 Code to convert GTF into BED file YES


DAY 2 AFTERNOON Exercise Description Completion
Q1 completed YES
sys.argv indexed YES
Text file processed YES
Newline characters removed YES
Q2 completed YES
Chromosome, start coordinate, stop coordinate printed YES
gene_name cleaned up and printed YES
Q3 completed YES
Bug 1 fixed YES
Bug 2 fixed YES
Bug 3 fixed YES


derekhui7 commented 3 weeks ago

Matthew, I updated the day2 lunch exercise code regarding Q2B, let me know if it is correct now. In regard for Q3 in afternoon exercise, I did know how to use else in previous coding experience. I was in a math modeling course where the language we used was python.