derekhui7 / qbb2024-answers

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Bootcamp Day 3 grading rubric #3

Open mfisada opened 3 weeks ago

mfisada commented 3 weeks ago
Exercise Description Completion
Q1 Load data YES
Skipped first two lines YES
Removed newline character YES
Gene names, tissues, and expression data loaded into lists YES
Q2 Expression data converted into a float array YES
Q3 <_removed_>
Q4 Computed mean expression of first 10 genes YES
Q5A Computed array-wide mean and median YES
Q5B Intepretted array-wide mean and median YES
Q6A Added pseudocount to expression array YES
Q6B $log_2$ transformed expression array YES
Q6C Compared and interpretted $log_2$ mean and median against pre-transformation mean and median YES
Q7A Sorted array by the correct axis YES
Q7B Computed $\Delta expression$ per gene YES
Q8 Correctly identified count of genes where $\Delta expression > 10$ YES