derekhui7 / qbb2024-answers

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QBIOLAB - Week 1 Assignment #5

Open nicmoya opened 5 days ago

nicmoya commented 5 days ago

General Coding Tips:

  1. Avoid the use of hard-coded numbers. It’s best to define your variables under a reasonable name and use them within the rest of your code so that we can understand where they are coming from.
    cov = 30
    genome_size = 1e6
    xs = …
    norm_est = genome_size*dnorm(xs, cov, sqrt(cov))
  2. Please use informative commit messages (e.g: ‘added this and modified that’) and/or commit more often.

Specific comments (Point deductions in parenthesis at the end of comments when applicable):

  1. Step 2.6 was alluding to how to reconstruct the sequence accurately. Although you described the methods we implemented very well, the short read size, small kmer size, and shallow depth produces a graph with open loops that could lead to multiple inaccuracies in the assembled sequence. We were hoping you could point out such limitations and suggest how to improve them (-0.5)

Code: 5/5 Answers: 2.5/3 Plots: 2/2

Total: 9.5/10