derekwyatt / vim-scala

My work on integration of Scala into Vim - not a ton here, but useful for me.
Apache License 2.0
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Indentation issue in new files #146

Closed giftig closed 6 years ago

giftig commented 6 years ago

I've been experiencing this problem for years but finally got around to figuring out how to reproduce / mitigate it reliably.

If you open a new scala file and start writing a class, object, or whatever else, indentation seems to be set to 4 spaces:

object Something {
    def overindentedArrrgh()

This seems to happen at every indentation level, so it continues to bug me as I continue to code and manually fix it, each time I write methods, etc., and it even applies when I select a block in visual mode and use << or >> to try to correct it; it'll still use 4-space indents so I have to dedent manually.

At first I assumed it was based on file contents and I was missing some key which would fix it when I write new files, but I've just tried copying a buffer where it's working fine to a new buffer where it's not, and it seems it's something set by the process of creating the new file, and only goes away when I use :bw to wipe the buffer, or else close vim and reopen the file.

Echoing tabstop reveals that shiftwidth=4 and tabstop=4 in the new buffer. It seems like the plugin is setting tabstop to 4 for some reason when a new file is created, and forgetting to unset it?

giftig commented 6 years ago

Running :verbose set softtabstop and verbose set shiftwidth both tell me "last set from modeline". I don't set a modeline in my vimrc, but I don't see one mentioned in vim-scala either.

giftig commented 6 years ago

I tracked down the problem to a file called plugin/31-create-scala.vim. I have no idea where I got this file from, how it appeared on 3 different machines which have all had this problem, or why a create-scala file would set tabstop to 4, but it doesn't seem to be anything to do with vim-scala... so I'll close this as it's nothing to do with you.
