dereneaton / ipyrad

Interactive assembly and analysis of RAD-seq data sets
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ipyrad conda environment: sharde library #427

Closed ARW-UBT closed 3 years ago

ARW-UBT commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have installed ipyrad as a conda environment, but I receive the following error message when following the advanced zutorial:

Encountered an Error. Message: IPyradError: b'/opt/miniconda3/envs/ipyrad/bin/samtools: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory\n'

Any idea how I could fix that error?

Best regards

isaacovercast commented 3 years ago

Hello, This is an issue with your conda environment. Simplest thing to try is just wikping your miniconda3 directory and reinstalling conda and create a new environment from scratch.

Other ideas for solving this are here:

isaacovercast commented 2 years ago

@alexkrohn, Did you figure this out? I just did a clean install of ipyrad and had no trouble at all. Is this still happening for you?

alexkrohn commented 2 years ago

Hey @isaacovercast. I deleted my issue because I resolved it using the tactics in merenlab/anvio#1479. This issue arose on a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04, with a fresh install of miniconda and ipyrad v0.9.82.

First I had to install libssl1.0

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
add deb bionic-security main
sudo apt update && apt-cache policy libssl1.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl1.0-dev

Then manually re-install samtools 1.7 in the ipyrad environment

conda activate ipyrad
conda uninstall -c bioconda samtools
conda install -c bioconda samtools=1.7

That didn't actually resolve all my issues, as I had to address the vsearch version issue too. So, after running conda install -c bioconda vsearch=2.19, I was good to go.

Thanks for checking in. It seems resolved now.