Closed acidhexe closed 4 months ago
Check what $data directly holds, as very likely it is not inside $data['data'] etc
okay yes, I have $data is completely empty. $data[data] was just the last of countless attempts...
How do u fill it?
class QueueTestController extends AppController {
public function addExampleJob() {
// Füge den Job zur Queue hinzu
$queue = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Queue.QueuedJobs');
$queue->createJob('Example', ['exampleKey' => 'exampleValue']);
// Bestätigungsnachricht setzen
$this->Flash->success(__('The Example job has been added to the queue.'));
// Weiterleitung zur Index-Seite oder wo auch immer du möchtest
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);
public function index() {
// Hier kannst du deine Logik für die Index-Seite hinzufügen
in data column: a:1:{s:10:"exampleKey";s:12:"exampleValue";}
Where is the data collected and passed on?
So if it is actually in there for saving, double check if the data is also still there when retreiving Check in DB, you can also see the payload inside the backend for in the view of a queue task
It sounds like it maybe cannot be persisted, possibly due to a wrong field type of the data column? Is it big enough (text) to hold all the data?
This sure is working for me and all the rest of the users, you can also see it working in the sandbox, so the issue must be on your side.
OK, I checked everything again and found the error, it was a , instead of a . when writing the logs. Sorry for the question and the inconvenience... thank you for your great work and your projects.