derf / travelynx

Traewelling-inspired journey logger with realtime data
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add OAuth2 or somehow simplify login/getting and differentiating API keys #124

Open rugk opened 3 months ago

rugk commented 3 months ago

See for backstory.



deingithub commented 3 months ago

As an API consumer, I much prefer not dealing with the conceptual and implementation overhead of OAuth. But I agree that the UI for creating and revoking tokens could definitely use some polishing and perhaps less technical explanations. For my project interfacing with traxelynx I've written some user guidance with a screenshot that looks like this, maybe something in that direction would be helpful for träwelldroid too in the meantime? image-165

rugk commented 3 months ago

Yeah, Traewelldroid has OAuth already implemented (for Traewelling), but yeah of course UI improvements would be the first step IMHO.

derf commented 2 months ago

I'm not 100% happy with the current API myself, so I might look into improving it at some point. That may or may not include OAuth2 support in addition to the current token system. We'll see :)