derhuerst / db-stations

A list of Deutsche Bahn stations.
ISC License
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make the build run regularly #14

Open derhuerst opened 6 years ago

derhuerst commented 6 years ago

The DB HAFAS API seems to block IPs sending too many requests. Find a way around that or compute the weight differently.

derhuerst commented 6 years ago

Use db-hafas/throttle in combination with compute-db-station-weight/lib/weights and hafas-estimate-station-weight in the build script and find a reasonable throttling limit. Keep that several build scrupts may run in parallel or in rapid succession.

derhuerst commented 6 years ago

put throttling in place in 9f28aef97db136fd645f927cd197a6477098f5f4 and migrated to Codeship, which has a higher time limit for builds. They don't have a cron feature, unfortunately.